So the install of the RCGF 120 was pretty straight forward. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Other than the throttle arm that needed an addition. But no problem when ya got pieces parts everywhere from various other hoopties. I used a cut off control horn from my behemoth Yak when I did the restore on it. It just so happened it gave me the exact angle I needed for the throttle. The inlet nipple on the carb needed a little twist to put it where it was more user friendly. And the exhaust bolts for the mufflers are pretty much like the spark plugs that come with all the Chinese motors. I use them for shooting baskets. Litterally....the trash can basket. LOL.
Other than that, it was pretty much just measure, bolt and hook up. Nothing spectacular. I did use the cowl from the DLA 128 4 cylinder adventure though. It already had gaping holes in it and I figured that if I didn't like the RCGF, at least I still had my perfectly good "UNCUT" cowl that housed the DLE 111 with cans.
Now that I know this 120 is some kind of little power house, and I do like the fact she (the Edge) lost almost 2 lbs. in the motor swap...(dumped the cans....LOL) I will probably go head and cut the new cowl in a more professional and precisce manner.
I have been so anal and critical about my planes' looks. I just need to get over some things huh?
I can honestly say this.... I am very hard to impress since I have been so 3w spoiled. With the dependability and the power and the overall ease of how they run....I just didn't think I would be happy with the RCGF. Especially since I had already tried the GP 176 EVO and the DLA 128 4 cylinder. I was not so sure another "off brand name" motor was the ticket for me. But I do like doing things different. The RCGF 120 is actually quite the beasty 120. It ran good all three flights today. Sounded good. and oh so much more ponies than the now 26 pound Edge even needed. Well, not true. All those wicked and insane things the Pilot 107" Edge does? Yeah, they are even more wicked and insane. If I ever..."EVER" lose this plane to an will immediately be replaced with another Pilot. No questions asked.
Enough already.... here are some install photos. I will try to get a flight video next time I am out. All I can say with todays flights is...damned impressive motor and plane combination.
If any of you would like to know more or have questions, please don't hesitate asking. For those of you looking for a new 120cc motor that is not only user friendly, dependable, strong as an ox and economically priced, you might toss the thought around with the RCGF 120. I can't and I won't endorse or support nor hype up a product I don't like, have problems with or overall completely discusted with. The RCGF 120 is going to be a motor to shake up the 120cc class for sure.
Get hold of Chad at
@Taildraggerrc. He will get you set up for sure.