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Scale RCM 1/3 Scale Champ Build

AJ Sun

New to GSN!
Hi Tony well I've read thru your 80 pages for the second time and I picked up.lots of great pointers. I have no experience in 1/3 scale bot I have about 550 hours in tail daggers. When I flew my Champ full Size 97389 I found using the ailerons and rudder together was not a good procedure and zldo.flying my AA Industries 1/4 scale and mixing the rudder and aileron was a big mistake..the Champ has enough authority turning using the rudder only If you need little more use the ailerons. You sound like a really proficient pilot. And your a master craftsman in my book. Really enjoyed all your posts. Still on the hunt for a scale windshield for my AA and my stash Presedent. Got to.go.thru these 80.pages again. Great postsAJ

AJ Sun

New to GSN!
Hi Tony I was watching your flight videos and noticed your land.gear in flight. It looks like it's spread. Should be a little cantviered inward and extended down on touch down. my 1/4 gear. On touch down spreads. I had to change my springs to get the right tension and installed cables the keep my gear from falling out the compression tube, also used grease with the springs. Great flying enjoyed your videos. I've gotten a little depressed over my 1/3rd build. I've lost alot of money , almost feel like I am.jinked. and doomed to failure. Should I just be satisfied with my AA Industries and Presedent kit. And 1/4 scale efforts and just leave it at that!AJ

AJ Sun

New to GSN!
Well that sounds pretty close to what you are looking for. My AA did not do. That my first landing was a disaster. That's when I realized what was going on got shorter springs and used grease bendix magneto grease. I use when I lube magneto bearings. My last grounding incident tore up my left gear. Sorenson never responded to my request for needed parts. Originally his scale gear was made for the Chief. Not the Champ.AJ
... I had to change my springs to get the right tension and installed cables the keep my gear from falling out the compression tube...
Hi AJ. I built the gear from Sturla's plans for the Chief. Like yours, my gear would fall out when I picked it up off the ground until the owner of Super Chief I'm modeling asked if I left the axel tube long enough to act as a stop against the bracket. I retrofitted a couple of nylon bolts in the ends of the tubes to stop the lower oleo from falling too far inward. The plane's not completed yet, so I don't know yet if it works, but in static tests (lifting the fuse up) it does.
I was never crazy about the aileron hinges shown on the plans, a piece of 1/16 aluminum sheet running on a 4-40 screw, just seemed that these would develop slop in short order. About a week ago was reading a post on how to install C. B. Associates strap hinges and I remembered that I had won a package of these as a door prize some 30 years ago. I found three of them in my hinge drawer, yes I keep them all these years! Got to looking and decided that the straps would make a much better hinge. The straps are glass filled, the knuckle is 1/4" in diameter, 1/4" long, bushed with a 9/32" piece of brass tube, the hinge pin is 1/8" brass tube. I was 1 strap short but MECOA K&B has bought the line and continues to supply them, in shipping as I write. The plan hinge is shown below.

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Hi Tony. How's the build going? I made these hinges based on the full-size ones on the Chief. They're galvanized steel 1/16" thick with a small ball bearing press fitted into them. the aileron side is the same material bent around a wood filler piece. It will be encased in epoxy before being epoxied into the aileron.


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Welcome to GSN Gorilla Toast. Your hinges look very scale like, nice work. I'll keep an eye on your build over over on RCSB.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hi Tony. How's the build going? I made these hinges based on the full-size ones on the Chief. They're galvanized steel 1/16" thick with a small ball bearing press fitted into them. the aileron side is the same material bent around a wood filler piece. It will be encased in epoxy before being epoxied into the aileron.

Nice work…..