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Sport Restoring The Laser

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hmmmm. How do I put this,

I'm afraid it's going to be quite a long time before I will be able to get back to my Laser. Work is really starting to back up again and since my shop is not heated, there will be no work done on it until the weather warms up again next spring, unless I can find somewhere else to do it which isn't likely. As a matter of fact, I am seriously tempted to ask @Bartman if it is possible to delete the thread. I thought long and hard about this possibility before I started this thread and I almost didn't start it. I really appreciate everybody's participation in the thread and I value everyone's opinions that were shared with me (even yours Kelly. . . . .;)) I will get back to the Laser when life and mother nature allows it and I am still looking forward to flying it when it's finished some time next year. I will think some more before I decide to ask Bart to delete the thread.

Hey Rob, it looks like you'll be done with your AWESOME Yak long before I even get back to my Laser.

Thanks everyone


Damn I'm hungry

Seems you have your priorities in order! It is great that you "endured" my "due diligence" :spongebob:.

And to be quite honest......I spend way to much time on this forum. I too am going to take some time off and let the other members get me out of their hair. Wish you well David and Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope you do finish the Lazer if that is what you really want to do.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Kelly,

When I go back and reread my post, I can fully understand where you're coming from. But everything I wrote is just simple facts. I am not depressed in any way. If it wasn't for all the time I spend on this forum, I would be seriously depressed. You don't know how good it makes me feel to come home after a less than pleasant day of work to sit back and unwind while I browse through the different threads and catch up with all of my friends. Also, I am dead serious when I said I am looking forward to finishing my Laser. It's just going to take longer that I thought it would, not longer than I wanted it to.

In typing this, I realize @cbarnes0061 is right. I will just leave the thread. When I have time, I will post any progress I am able to make. Besides, I need somewhere to ask all my dumb questions.

Goodnight Buddy. . . . . :sleepy:

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1

Just to prove to you guy's I'm in this for the long haul (sorry Rob, the :devil-dance:made me say it) I pulled the new cowl for the Laser and the 3W last night to check something. I'm not sure what I was thinking before, but the cowl will easily go over the motor without splitting it in half which is GREAT news to me. The bad news is, the spark plug boot for the left cylinder may be too close to the cowl. This would require a change in plans because I refuse to cut a hole in the cowl for the boot and I'm not too keen on going to a different style spark plug attachment or a different plug on a brand new motor. So, the Red Head may be pressed into service, which is OK with me.

Thanks for sticking with me Fellas. . . . :big_yes:

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Good evening Fellas,

As I posted on another thread, I am now considering stripping and recovering my Laser. See what you're making me do now @stangflyer You should be ashamed of yourself. . . . . :laughing:. Also like I said before, it will be done in the full size scheme of dark blue with yellow stripes and stars. The first of two hurdles I need to overcome is to find out if @Decal Dennis can cut the stripes and stars from vinyl for me (after he re-cooperates from his foot surgery of course) and after I overcome the second hurdle. The second one is going to be quite a bit tougher. I need to find as many picture of the full size plane as I can find. Especially the bottom of the plane. Can anyone out there hook me up? Let the cricket chirping commence. . . . . :lol2:

Decal Dennis

Good evening Fellas,

As I posted on another thread, I am now considering stripping and recovering my Laser. See what you're making me do now @stangflyer . . . . . :laughing:. Also like I said before, it will be done in the full size scheme of dark blue with yellow stripes and stars. The first of two hurdles I need to overcome is to find out if @Decal Dennis can cut the stripes and stars from vinyl for me (after he re-cooperates from his foot surgery of course) and after I overcome the second hurdle. The second one is going to be quite a bit tougher. I need to find as many picture of the full size plane as I can find. Especially the bottom of the plane. Can anyone out there hook me up? Let the cricket chirping commence. . . . . :lol2:

Been about 3 weeks and just started slowly getting back into doing some smaller graphics jobs, the Ol foot is doing good:) Still have a non walking cast on tho:(

Yep.... I can cut the stars and stripes for you. My only limitation is imagination