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3D Restoring The Yak


It's working pretty well Randy. Everything seems to be fitting very nicely. Still a little confused on the correct placement of the bottom rudder sections, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. If you happen to know someone with the same scheme as I am doing, I could use a side fuselage pic or two.

Oh, and that nice lil sticky you gave me with the control horns is going to look damn nice on the rudder. Would love to have another for the other side. Lol. :way_to_go:
Dang! Thought I put two in there. Another coming:brian-banana:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob,

I don't think I asked what I wanted to. I'm going to be putting some decals over the Ultracote on the bottoms of the wings on my Laser, but the wing sheeting only goes just past the wing tube. I'm just a little worried about pressing down the graphics where there is no wood underneath the Ultracote. I hope that came out right. . . . LOL

Oh, I wish I would have known you needed pictures before I went to the field today. A guy at our field brought his 50cc Pilot Yak out in the same white, green and black scheme. If he brings it out next weekend, I'll make sure to snap a couple of pics in case you still need them.
Ah...got ya. I misunderstood you. I wouldn't worry too much about putting graphics over an open bay area. Typically you really don't have to put too much pressure on the vinyl as the adhesive (that I have seen) is some incredibly sticky stuff. So if you are applying them over an open bay structure, usually light pressure will put them down well enough they aren't going any where. Also, If you think about it... You'd have to put a lot of pressure on a structure before you would break it. More than you will if just applying vinyl. You'll be fine. Just don't stomp them into place with your foot and all will be well. :lol2:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Knock Knock, Anybody Home?
:laughing:Nope...no one here. LOL.... Christmas shopping and furnace took a dirt nap. Dealing with a few things this weekend. I did get a little done on the Yak last night. Not much though. I do plan to get more done on it today. Pictures to follow. :way_to_go:

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
You have my luck with crap breaking down this time of year. . . .:mad: That's OK though, it's supposed to be in the upper 60's by Wednesday and stay warm through next weekend which is a little unusual for us around here. I'm just afraid when winter finally decides to rear it's ugly head , there's going to be H__L to pay. Which is just wonderful for someone who is taking 10mg of Warfarin every day to keep the blood flowing. . . . . :lol2:

I will patiently sit and wait for your next update. . . . .YEAH RIGHT . . . :roflmao:


I like 'em "BIG"!
It's 2:30 in the morning here in icky weather villa I-da-hoe.:laughing:
Although I really wanted to break down this project into sections, it's just not working out that way. I am having to attack whatever I can with the time I have available. I got the right stab and elevator covered now. Anyone who thinks doing a recover with precut covering is easy, needs to think again. It's really not difficult duplicating a scheme. Just really time consuming and confusing. I'm just focusing on one piece at a time.

I started by getting the base color down and sealing the hinge line. Next will come the accent colors. I am pretty sure I have plenty of travel to work with.

now for a little green, silver and black.

Although not an exact identical duplicate of the already produced airframes, I think it will show off its own identity just great. That's all I have time for this weekend. I will try to get more done Wednesday when I get home for Christmas break.:way_to_go: