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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
So without further adue, I thought I might add this little bit of an update. I had more time before I left this afternoon than I thought I would. I decided I had put off the rudder modification long enough. Since the Yak was originally set up with pull/pull on the rudder, and I am going with the modification to push/pull, it was necessary to remove the control horns from the rudeer and relocate them lower for the servo's. Since this earlier model rudder has no backing or supports like the later model rudders, I will have to open up the rudder and add a block inside to support the new control horns.

Once I outlined where I would open up the sheeting, I gently sliced through and removed the sheeting to allow an access hole.

Next I added a dense block of balsa just like used above in original location. Epoxied in and sheets replaced. When I get home on Wednesday I will touch up and sand the side of the rudder. Then, cover it also.

Long ways yet to go, but making progress.
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I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob,

Did you get home OK this afternoon? I just looked at the weather up there and it looks like you guys are getting SLAMMED . . . . :eek:. Please be careful if you're on the road.

Merry Christmas Buddy
Hey thanks for thinking of me. Yup, got home safe and sound. It's not so bad when you have 80,000 pounds of construction equipment resting on your superior skill and expertise,


(lol) but it is so mind draining to watch the absolutely bizarre things people do when the weather and roads change conditions. :laughing:

Ah well, just glad to be home with all my babies. And cant for get about.....the behemoth Yakster. :banana-dance:


70cc twin V2
Hey thanks for thinking of me. Yup, got home safe and sound. It's not so bad when you have 80,000 pounds of construction equipment resting on your superior skill and expertise,

View attachment 46948
(lol) but it is so mind draining to watch the absolutely bizarre things people do when the weather and roads change conditions. :laughing:

Ah well, just glad to be home with all my babies. And cant for get about.....the behemoth Yakster. :banana-dance:
If I were to guess I'd say I was looking down the hood of a t800. Right?


Damn I'm hungry
Just after Katrina I pulled FEMA trailers from Pendleton Or. to Baton Rouge La. I literally :dancing-poop: my jeans when tiny hatchback cars went flying around me while up in the Blue Mountains. No guard rails.......just a steep sheer drop of to :devil:. Got to totally respect ya Rob! I'm so glad I do not have to do that. And I thought combat was dangerous:rolleyes:.


640cc Uber Pimp
(lol) but it is so mind draining to watch the absolutely bizarre things people do when the weather and roads change conditions. :laughing:

Ah well, just glad to be home with all my babies. And cant for get about.....the behemoth Yakster. :banana-dance:
I once had a woman stop in the center lane of the three north bound lanes of a six lane road and get out and scrape her windows during rush hour. You wonder how someone that dumb can function in life.