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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
Thanks everyone. I really wanted to duplicate "exactly" what Tony had Pilot do with the scheme. It's kind of odd though. I don't know if they made a revision from this early airframe to the more later airframes or just what. I am finding a size difference in some things. Such as, Stabs/Elevators and Rudder are most definitely different sizes from this airframe to the brand new spare stabs and rudder I have from a more recent airframe. It's like my airframe is slightly larger in some areas. I have not gotten to the main wings yet, but noticed also a difference in the size of the fuse. The covering had to be laid just a tick differently in order to get it to reach. That being said, the covering does not match up precisely on my airframe as it does in the pictures I am using from Pilot's web site as a reference. It's pretty close so I am just going with it. I actually goofed a little on the stab covering. If you notice, the green on the bottom of the stab "slopes" towards the fuse.

yak bottom.jpg

As mentioned, it's kind of like a jigsaw puzzle. (I never was good with jigsaws....LOL) I grabbed the wrong piece apparently and thus the slope of the green is "away" from the fuse. No worries though. I am just going to go with it.

Oh well, like I said...it should show its own identity pretty well. At any rate, Tony has done an awesome job in the assembly process of his airframes. I have not noticed a difference in quality or workmanship from his earlier airframes of this size to even the later smaller 50cc Edge I had. They all seem to be pretty top notch as far as I am concerned. Given a choice?? I would own a "PILOT" before I would own any other airframe.


Damn I'm hungry
Hey Rob....

Could not agree with you more about Pilot airframes. Engineered LIGHT and STRONG. When I got my first Pilot with Tony at the helm I thought it was built with a bit of skimping on material ( 25% Sbach )......BOY was I wrong! And the 5 years flying my 30% Edge has made me a believer. I regret getting the 104 because I could have been enjoying the 107 for 3 years! Not bashing the 104 but it is not what I like in a 3D air frame. The Pilots are and did I mention they fly AWESOME too!:).

All this is making me.........well......EXCITED......can hardly wait to get the 107 in my fat fingers. I don't think it will take 9 months to finish either.......:eek: more like 9 days.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob....

Could not agree with you more about Pilot airframes. Engineered LIGHT and STRONG. When I got my first Pilot with Tony at the helm I thought it was built with a bit of skimping on material ( 25% Sbach )......BOY was I wrong! And the 5 years flying my 30% Edge has made me a believer. I regret getting the 104 because I could have been enjoying the 107 for 3 years! Not bashing the 104 but it is not what I like in a 3D air frame. The Pilots are and did I mention they fly AWESOME too!:).

All this is making me.........well......EXCITED......can hardly wait to get the 107 in my fat fingers. I don't think it will take 9 months to finish either.......:eek: more like 9 days.
9 days??? Yeah ok. All I gots to say is, prove it. Lol. I think David and I will start placing bets with our bookies. Ya know??? You just might make us rich. Lol.

If I'd know it was this easy to get you excited, I'd have kept the Red Head a secret. Ah but heck, you get excited over blondes and brunettes too.:laughing:
ROFLMAO ! ! ! Yeah, look whose talking, right?

Sorry Rob for dragging your thread off topic.
Actually, I'd like to see which one of you finishes first. Maybe I need to place bets... oh wait....the behemoth Yak is far from finished. I better not stir the hornets nest.