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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
I got started on the wing stripping this afternoon. As with the fuse, stabs/elevators and rudder, it was pretty well straight forward. It was a little tedious though. I would definitely not recommend attempting this without the use of a heat gun. That covering was really stuck down good.



I did find only one area on the left wing panel that will need some light repairs. Apparently a portion of the top wing sheeting split and loosened from its glue joints. It also appears a thumb has been punched through the sheeting in the same area. Coincidence? I'm thinking probably not. More than likely related. Stressed the sheeting when punctured, cracked and pulled loose the sheet when pressure was released.
But not to worry. I will simply cut out the damaged section, glue in a new skin, sand and prep the rest of the wing for covering. Only just the wings and canopy/hatch left to cover. I'll be so glad when this one is done.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Got the repair cut out...

Cleaned the glue joints and added sheeting supports...

Cut and shaped the replacement section...and ready to glue in section.

Once glued in and sanded, I almost could not tell if it was repaired or factory done.

After a quick once over to check for any other flaws and a quick sanding...the left wing panel is now ready for covering.

As a side note, I really like the construction of these Pilot airframes. Light but definitely built well.

Not sure if I'll attack covering the wing tonight or wait for another day. Probably will be later this week when I return home from up north.

More to come.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Looks like allot of extra work having to put those vertical sticks of balsa on all of the ribs. Wouldn't have been easier to just make the lightening holes a little smaller?

Just noticed in the second picture from the bottom of the post above this one that the ribs are different. One has round holes with no vertical pieces. In the same picture it looks like the closest rib in the picture does not reach the trailing edge. You can clearly see daylight at the bottom rear of the rib. . . . Strange.
Good eye. I didn't even see that. Hmm???:lol2: Guess we'll see if the right wing is the same. I'm sure Tony had a motivation behind that procedure. I'm sure the vrtical sticks are for structural support. Maybe that one rib does not need them???

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1

I deleted the post. I didn't think you would see it and I didn't want you to think I was nit picking. . . . .:(


Damn I'm hungry
I bet those strips are there to strengthen the ribs that have the larger openings because the material is probably "contest balsa" which is much lighter than standard building balsa. The compression damage, that you pointed out Rob, from handling eludes to that.