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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
I should have given ya'll an update sooner. I will get back later with more info and pictures. Until then, take a look at what showed up today from bad ass B & E! Awesooome!
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I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok here we go. Wow...talk about a lot of work! I had no idea this scheme, (though fairly simplictic) would be so time consuming getting everything to line up and lay the way I wanted it to. In the long run, very well worth it.

Got the bottom accent panels on and I must say, it looks pretty good. If you all remember, I messed up with the bottom sheets. I had to reverse the wing as I did the stab/elevator. Which meant an hour and a half of fitting, measuring, fitting, measuring...etc., etc. I wanted to make sure it was going to be exact. Finally!!! Ah! That looks good. Cut, lay in place, secure with warm iron.

Next came the top accent stripes. No easier task here either. Same story, different placement. But after a lot of re-arranging...I finally had it. Sweet...I like.

One more of the bottom...

Although I am pleased with the long hours of covering this wing...there is just something not right. Like something is missing. But what...??? Oh wait.. I know what it is.

That's much better. I believe Eric at B & E will now be my go to for vinyl. What an awesome looking wing. Can't wait till the whole plane is done and hovering right in front low down on the deck.

Tomorrow will be another wing stripping and covering day. More to come, so stay tuned in. Thanks everyone for being patient and following along. Happy New Year to each and every one of you.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Looks down right AWESOME Rob,

After watching the magic you perform on your monster Yak, the more I look at my big Laser, the more I want to strip and recover it before I put my graphics on it. How much do you charge for lessons? It would probably be cheaper than boxing it up and shipping it to South Dakota. . . . :yesss:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Looks down right AWESOME Rob,

After watching the magic you perform on your monster Yak, the more I look at my big Laser, the more I want to strip and recover it before I put my graphics on it. How much do you charge for lessons? It would probably be cheaper than boxing it up and shipping it to South Dakota. . . . :yesss:
Lessons are expensive. :spongebob:
Just kidding. No charge....you strip that girl and do her up right. You gotta question, just give me a shout. I am happy to help any way I can.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I owe ya'll a lil apology. I got so excited, I got a little ahead of myself with the covering. I meant to share a couple little tid bits. First, I have really been taking my time in restoring this Yak. Paying really close attention to detail. In doing so, I wanted just everything to be very "eye" appealing. With the extra green stripes not used, I decided to dress up the wing sockets. Adding the stripe gives this ole' girl a bit of a cleaner appearance I think.

In addition, I wanted to get my wing harnesses ready and in the wing "before" it was covered. It makes it sooo much easier this way when you don't have to fight those darned leads. I got my leads laid out and ready for the awesome green snakeskin from @Taildraggerrc.

Once I had the snake skin on both the wing panel harnesses, I got them installed and was ready for covering.

Now the wing is completely covered and detailed, I can now move onto the right wing panel. Since most of the time on the left wing was spent measuring, placing, positioning and double-triple checking myself before the accent stripes were affixed, I won't have to do that with the right wing panel. It should go rather quickly today. Just a mirror image of the left wing....much like the right stab was from the left stab. So, without further adue, Off to covering I go.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok so I've been playing and not covering. Lol. But who would blame me? These graphics are so perfect for this plane.

Yup, I'm quite pleased with them. Must make sure Eric gets my :way_to_go::way_to_go: two thumbs up.


I like 'em "BIG"!
This plane is looking Awesome! Keep up the great work!:first_place:
Thank you to you...and everyone for the continued watchfulness and appreciation of this thread. I do hope I am able to pass on a little bit of something to anyone who finds it useful and helpful in their own sick and twisted madness as my own. :spongebob:

I started stripping the right wing panel. As with all other strip downs and recovers, that heat gun comes in might handy.

I was able to get the complete wing panel sheet up and removed with next to no problem at all. Same with the top aileron sheet. I did have a slight bit more of the yellow coloring embedded into this wing though. Really none at all till now. Now problem I say. Don't sand that color away...ruining your airframe. Get your handy dandy hobby knife, a paper towel and yes...your heat gun. Holding your heat gun about 2 to 3 inches from your "infected" :laughing:area...heat that color up and take your hobby knife with the blade flat against your surface. Scrape that color away, wiping your blade on your paper towel. If you find the color not coming off too well, heat the blade with your gun and that stuff will come off like hot butter.

Here is another infected area before my heat and scrape meathod.

And after surgery.

If you have a slight tint of color left behind, use a dab of "Uncure" and wipe with paper towel.

It's a little bit extra to do, but sure worth it in the long run. It is pretty easy to get a grrrreat looking recover job if all the before's have been addressed.

Ok, time to get the other side of the wing stripped and prepped for new clothes. :way_to_go: