HRRC Flyer
GSN Sponsor Tier 1

I didn't... I will have to look on the tube for it. I am pretty sure the Yak is going to be amazing. Just getting so excited. Unfortunately I ran into an issue this evening. Well, two issues. First, Throttle servo is going to be a nightmare to install. No where to put it. I may have to end up using a Nyrod or something. Ugh... Second issue...I attempted to test fit the canisters. NOPE... not gonna happen. Drop on the headers is too much. I could get headers with less drop....I think, but if I do that, that would cause an interference with the throttle linkages. So right now, I am "spent". Not sure how I am going to address these issues. So, shower and night night time.Hey Rob,
Did you see that video @Hinckley Bill did of his MONSTER Pitts with the Red headed 4 banger in it? Seeing that, I know your BIG Yak will fly AWESOME with that motor in it.
That's completely full on awesome Bill. Thanks for sharing the vid's. I sure hope the 212 sounds close to that 220. Funny thing here. My buddy out here bought a 210 Valach. He put it on his big 47% Pilot Decathlon. We fired it up last weekend. Holy moly....what a sound! And the idle. That plane will definitely not be shy for ponies. Really hoping we can maiden it next weekend. Should be an awesome Tug plane. (He don't know this yet, but when he hands the radio to me....??? I'm gonna...HUCK it. Lol)Geez Rob, all I do is drool every time I look at your plane and that most awesome motor! Its always a pain when the little details bite ya in the a$$!! But we know you will make it great! Wasn't it fun fixing up a firewall that someone chopped to ....! Being there, done that!! Can't wait to hear that motor run!
Know what? I drool every time I put my hands all over this red headed girl. Just aching to see how she moves.Geez Rob, all I do is drool every time I look at your plane and that most awesome motor! Its always a pain when the little details bite ya in the a$$!! But we know you will make it great! Wasn't it fun fixing up a firewall that someone chopped to ....! Being there, done that!! Can't wait to hear that motor run!