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3D Restoring The Yak


I was just looking through some photos of this build and compared the "before" photos with the "after" photos. Quite the difference in appearance I would say. It's hard to imagine this is the same plane...only months later. I fell in love with my 260 when I got her done. I can only imagine this big Yak is going to be right up there near the top spot of the 260.
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Okie dokie... finished my coffee. Time to get busy.
Ok. Looks like I have to eat my words. I like the new scheme much better! Incredible job!!!


I like 'em "BIG"!
I spent most of today working on the engine box and firewall. It is really sad how someone can take a real nice airframe and just totally fubar it to the point it is just a mess. Sorry everyone, just venting.

I got the inside of the box pretty well cleaned up and the new firewall cut. It was necessary to "slice" the tri stock on the box sides to allow the aluminum angle braces to slip in between them and the inside of the box sides. Once I had the braces epoxied and bolted to the firewall plate, I mixed a little more epoxy, spread it over the contact surfaces then slid it into position. Once I had it in the exact location I wanted, I clamped it all together and bolted the sides to the braces. I need to add one more tri stock piece, but will wait until the motor is located and firewall drilled.

It may not seem like I got much accomplished, but I am satisfied of the progress considering the motor box was in seriously sad shape.

I plan to set the 212 tomorrow before I head out of town for the next week for work. I will also be paintimg the motor box and forward cowl former to match the cannister tunnel. I am going to try to shoot for next weekend to do a quick start up. I'll post progress as time allows. If anyone has some suggestions on an easy way to hang a 12 lb. red headed beast to mark and drill mounting holes, I am open to any input or ideas anyone would have.



I like 'em "BIG"!
Your engine box reconstruction looks good so far!

My only suggestion is to find a way to hang the fuselage vertical and set the engine on the firewall.
My suggestion exactly.
That's pretty much what I had come up with, but was hoping someone had a better idea. Shouldn't be that difficult, especially if I remove the rudder. My building stands are plenty stout enough, and the upside is the will raise that high. Only one draw back....I'm just shy of 5'9"...by the time the nose is up, I will need to be about 11 feet tall to see what I'm doing. Someone got a step ladder?:spongebob:

Having a little coffee and breakfast with my little girl, then I'm going to mount a sexy red head.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob, I think the word you meant to use was "install". That, or your mind is still on that "other" redhead and if you need a step ladder for that you're a whole lot shorter than 5'-9". . . :yesss:
Oh you're a smart one huh?! Lol....

Running out of time today. In between getting ready to go out of town and the Yak, I'm like chicken fighting to stay away from the chopping block.

I did manage to put the Yak into a nose up attitude for placing the motor. Hey, wait a minute... who needs a stinking motor to hover anyway?!?

With the aid of a rented 10' step ladder, the task of placing the 3dub was easy peasy. Once I was certain I liked its position, a drop of thin CA on the spacers held them where I needed them. Removed the cowl, motor and drilled four nice little 1/4x20 holes. Test fit of the 212 is perfect.

Now that the motor is basically set...time to see what she will look like with the cowl on.

I will need to do some shaving on the spinner as it doesn't quite fit the big 34x12 falcon. I really like the clearance of the prop to cowl. Pretty much right where it needs to be.

I am out of time, so I'll have to do painting of the motor box and rest of the front of the plane next weekend. It's getting there, but still a little ways to go.