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Starting Your Plane by Yourself, 60ccc or Larger

one thing I did find is easier is to unbolt the prop and move it one bolt space to the left so you are flipping more over and down, as opposed to up and over as most of us time our props.

I indexed mine too, it was a little awkward at first for me to but after doing it all the time I have got used to it.

Also one added point.... Every time I start an engine I make a point to consider, what happens if it fires up at full throttle? (had this happen when a servo was reversed) The paint roller gives you a little extra time and space between you and the prop. The time it happened to me I had the plane securely tied down and simply hit the kill switch. Looking back on the experience, if I wasn't using a paint roller, and didn't have the plane properly secured, it would most likely have turned out an injury.
I'm such a chicken-**** that not only do I use a paint roller I also:

1) Stand, never kneel, as far away as possible.
2) Ensure that my body is moving laterally so that my momentum is already moving out of the way of the prop just in case of a full throttle start and plane jumps, I'm already moving out of the way.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to meet a prop, ever!

This is the most dangerous time involved with gassers and so I am pointedly paranoid during this time. I always assume that the plane will jump it's restraints and try to plan my starting accordingly. If the plane were to escape the restraints, it would head somewhere innocuous.

Have I mentioned how paranoid/chicken-**** I am...

BJ Swope


"Cool Guy"
I'm such a chicken-**** that not only do I use a paint roller I also:

1) Stand, never kneel, as far away as possible.
2) Ensure that my body is moving laterally so that my momentum is already moving out of the way of the prop just in case of a full throttle start and plane jumps, I'm already moving out of the way.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to meet a prop, ever!

This is the most dangerous time involved with gassers and so I am pointedly paranoid during this time. I always assume that the plane will jump it's restraints and try to plan my starting accordingly. If the plane were to escape the restraints, it would head somewhere innocuous.

Have I mentioned how paranoid/chicken-**** I am...

I'm same way, and after an engine breaking loose from it's standoffs this past weekend, and going FT into safety fence, I've became a little spooked again. Starting gasser's is somewhat where my really UNCOOL nickname came from. I had just assembled my first gasser, 30cc. I got my bud to go out and help me, and I started flipping prop, problem was when I'd flip prop, somehow I'd end up 3-4 foot away from plane, not only that, but I was flipping it like a sissy. I've learned to commit to the flip, and flip prop like ya mean it, and I also don't run 3-4 foot away from plane like a scared little Chicken, now how Balls got added on to the nickname, you'd have to ask the low life, AARP card toting, toothless geriatric that started calling me that.

I've been using the paint roller for about 2 months now, and as @Terryscustom 's mentioned took me a few tries to get used to it, but I really like it now, and don't start engines without it. One of the tards I fly with @emtp275 has started to use the paint roller also, and I understand why when he's flipping a CF 28x10, that thing take your arm off, not just fingers.

In the pic, you can see what type of restraint we use.


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70cc twin V2
Holly crap lol back to Lotto luck, hell I'll send you some money just buy me a few tickets
Like I have told you once before it has nothing to with luck or the loto. The strap I use is fine. There are many that use the same setup You use what you want I have been starting my gassers this way for over 20 years. All the people I have seen with there arms and hands cut up do all the safety items you guys are talking about. Even Our District AMA VP could tell you some stories How he stuck his hand in a few props while being SAFE.


Like I have told you once before it has nothing to with luck or the loto. The strap I use is fine. There are many that use the same setup You use what you want I have been starting my gassers this way for over 20 years. All the people I have seen with there arms and hands cut up do all the safety items you guys are talking about. Even Our District AMA VP could tell you some stories How he stuck his hand in a few props while being SAFE.

Well. start a plane like that at our club and you get warned then you can find another place to fly... I hope your video doesn't end in some one hurt. Im not the only one in here calling this a STUPID Idea, Do You Get The Hint? Probably not after the advice I have seen you give in the past few days I wouldn't expect you to. But I am ending this here, I have no use for the back and forth "I'm better than you" post, you can take that back to FG with you. We are done I'll leave you alone and have a good day SIR


"Cool Guy"
Well. start a plane like that at our club and you get warned then you can find another place to fly... I hope your video doesn't end in some one hurt. Im not the only one in here calling this a STUPID Idea, Do You Get The Hint? Probably not after the advice I have seen you give in the past few days I wouldn't expect you to. But I am ending this here, I have no use for the back and forth "I'm better than you" post, you can take that back to FG with you. We are done I'll leave you alone and have a good day SIR


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Thanks guys for all the ideas. We have always used the buddy system where one guy holds the other starts. I am kind of had the idea all ready rolling around in my head about the pipe and swim tube. I also thought about fence post but the are not easy to move. I will also try the strap.

Where this is coming from is one of my flying buddie"s got his arm in a 50cc last summer and before he could move it got him six times a bunch of tends and a lot of blood loss. He is back and up and flying with me agin.

I am always trying to make it safer at the hideout.

Thanks agin
Where this is coming from is one of my flying buddie"s got his arm in a 50cc last summer and before he could move it got him six times a bunch of tends and a lot of blood loss. He is back and up and flying with me agin.
Yep, that's exactly why I'm such a, to quote Terry, :dancing-chicken: :dancing-poop: ;-)

BJ Swope