GSN Contributor
in the midst of a busy stretch, not much flying. 
had a sebart sebach... didn't keep it long. More of a sport/precision plane... there is a reason few of the big 3D vendors carry sbachs. their design is beautiful, but doesn't translate into a good 3D plane IMHO, they're just not super well rounded.
The EF Extra or Laser are their precision planes... the Edge is a harrier machine, and the MXS is the violent tumbler. Have built/flown them all... and they all do well. very subtle differences.
65" vyper will drive you nuts trying to 3D it. it's a great precision plane tho, taught me a lot of my knife edge skills and confidence. lots of fun to fly FAST.... and looks awesome doing it.
take care
had a sebart sebach... didn't keep it long. More of a sport/precision plane... there is a reason few of the big 3D vendors carry sbachs. their design is beautiful, but doesn't translate into a good 3D plane IMHO, they're just not super well rounded.
The EF Extra or Laser are their precision planes... the Edge is a harrier machine, and the MXS is the violent tumbler. Have built/flown them all... and they all do well. very subtle differences.
65" vyper will drive you nuts trying to 3D it. it's a great precision plane tho, taught me a lot of my knife edge skills and confidence. lots of fun to fly FAST.... and looks awesome doing it.
take care