Yay, oh yay!! The spinner showed up today. So I guess that means I gotta put it on huh? It's not an expensive spinner and not the exact Cessna style, but at the tune of nearly 1 dead Franklin for a Tru-Turn or like, I decided this would suffice. I had one of these on my very first gasser. My RCG 50cc powered 27% Great Planes Edge a few years back. Surprisingly it held up "VERY" well. Never lost it's shine clear up to the day I sold the Edge. Wow, how far that was not long ago.

Anyway, fairly inexpensive, (24.00 bucks with shipping) but it looks nice. They even come with an adapter in the event you want to use it on a glow (shudder) engine. LOL.

First thing I will need to do is knock out the undersized adapter in the center of the back plate. It's pretty cool they include all the necessary amenities to adapt to a variety of motors.

By sitting the center adapter right on my prop drill guide, I was able to push the adapter straight on out. Next, I will drill the back plate to fit the 30cc class motors.

Once drilled, I bolted the prop and back plate on the motor. Hey, looking good here I think.

Next I will need to "nibble" out the prop blade openings. The Graupner has a slightly larger paddle so a slight adjustment is in order. This is where my handy dandy little "nibbler" tool comes in handy. I bought these sometime back when I was doing all my own aluminum spinners. Quite the versatile little tool.

Once I did a dry test fit to see just how much I need to "eat" (nibble) away, I started by taking a "bite" at a time.

Once I had the fit I wanted, I then used my flat blade "fine" rasp file to clean up the edges. Then a little 150 grit sand paper to smooth the edges to a nice finish.

Time to bolt it in place with the supplied center bold. Torqued of course so that it don't vibrate loose. And wa-laa..... a finished up spinner for the front of the Cessna.
As mentioned, it's not long and pointy like the full scale Cessna, but hey...I think it looks pretty good.
Next up...Aileron servos. Come on USPS...get me my servos. Memorial day is coming and the weather is shaping up quite nicely.

I feel the need to go blast this around this weekend.