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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


you pull verticle and get some altitude. then chop throttle , stall and in this case pull left rudder kinda like a hammer then jam opposite right rudder with throttle still down. youll kinda float all the way down in KE. i had to use alil aileron to keep perfect KE but i think i need a touch of roll mix.


70cc twin V2
you pull verticle and get some altitude. then chop throttle , stall and in this case pull left rudder kinda like a hammer then jam opposite right rudder with throttle still down. youll kinda float all the way down in KE. i had to use alil aileron to keep perfect KE but i think i need a touch of roll mix.

I saw Frank Noll do a TRUE deathslide a couple of years ago at St.Marys,WV fun fly. You pull vertical, cut the throttle and slowly add rudder and throttle on the way down as the tail catches up with the nose of the airplane it will soft of create a KE drift with the nose of the airplane slightly pointed toward you, or the crowd; but the airplane is still traveling in the forward motion (not necessarily a KE but sort of a drifting effect). Pretty cool when done right, I'll try to look for a video.


I saw you for like 3 seconds...

thats all i saw you for. thought maybe i let a virtual fart or something ha!

man i had the MOST messed up day in my life today, at a funeral service. well at least for a really long time. i probably shouldnt have put my buck 50 up in the air this evening. it was really cold, windy and snowing but i had to relieve some stress and blow a few lipos.

DAD: " theres nothing i like more in life than when im flying R/C 3d planes"
Kids: " well what about us dad"
Dad: " do you need a Q-tip?"

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