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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
Sorry guys I don't think I'll be able to afford a 3DHS 48'' Edge... it's just way to expensive, unfortunately. It's probably going to be $360 and over from my estimation.

3 days, still no response from Fred on the 8FG after I paid.... should I send him an EMail? Maybe he just forgot about it... :confused:




70cc twin V2
Sorry guys I don't think I'll be able to afford a 3DHS 48'' Edge... it's just way to expensive, unfortunately. It's probably going to be $360 and over from my estimation.

3 days, still no response from Fred on the 8FG after I paid.... should I send him an EMail? Maybe he just forgot about it... :confused:



Give it a week then start freaking out :).. As for the 48" Edge, just keep saving up. You will make it there eventually


70cc twin V2
Ive never heard anything negative about doing business with Rotorjockey. You might send him an email to make sure he did get your payment ok.


70cc twin V2
Give it a week then start freaking out :).. As for the 48" Edge, just keep saving up. You will make it there eventually

I really don't want to spend $400 on a single plane... LOL... and I can only sell so much of my stuff as it is ;)

My birthday is at the end of next week so I want to have it by then so that I could go flying :)

Ive never heard anything negative about doing business with Rotorjockey. You might send him an email to make sure he did get your payment ok.

Yeah I guess I'll try that.




3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I really don't want to spend $400 on a single plane... LOL... and I can only sell so much of my stuff as it is ;)

My birthday is at the end of next week so I want to have it by then so that I could go flying :)

Yeah I guess I'll try that.



Just remember that a lot of what goes into the plane is a long-term deal that should last for multiple airframes. Servos should last pretty good, motors can last through crashes but often do get messed up. Batteries should be good for more than one. Just keep that in mind... buying quality gear should be more of a long-term investment than just thinking about the cost of setting up a 48" plane.


70cc twin V2
Yeah I know... right now, techincally I could buy the airframe, as I have enough cash in PayPal. But I think I'll go for the Omega motor with the plane for the combo package. That's $200 right there. The rest I'll buy from AMainHobbies. There's only a $12 price difference between 4 HS-65MGs and 4 Savox SH-0255 SXs if I can remember the numbers right. So I figured I'd go for Savox because I've heard nothing but good about them :) that's another $120, plus some servo extensions and a prop easily bring that to $150. $350 now. Then I'd need an ESC and a battery, if not multiple batteries, so we're talking somewhere over $420 just for the plane.

Yeah it's a long term investment but IDK if I really want to do it, it's just a ton of money that I don't have. Plus it's tough enough to store my 41 out of the way, I don't know what I'd do with a 48 as well, and I'd need a $30 receiver for it too. So it's really getting closer to $500! :eek:

...and $500 for a plane that I'd fly once or twice each time I get to go out on the weekends mostly.... not sure if it's worth it.




70cc twin V2
if using savox servoes remember you must get 6.0 volts to them. the best way to do this is get the ice lite 50 and set it to 6.0 volts.