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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


70cc twin V2
WOW, that was reckless, major lack of judgement!!!


Thick smoke is like fireworks. Both are awesome. At the same time, proper judgement needs to be used to fully enjoy them both safely. And mixing either with an ego is a recipe for bad things. I'm glad no one was hurt and kudos to Team 3DHS for their taking this in stride. I look forward to flying with you at the FLI.


70cc twin V2
If you do let me know. I have the 89 stripped down and ready for MB job. I also have a tank, flight packs, and some servos. Maybe even enough to make it fly. What radio system are you on?


70cc twin V2
what do you guys think of the motrolfly 2820-950 on a prop bigger than recommended on Kens site? like a 13/6.5 on 4s?

Really watch those temps esp in the summer. Might shoot Ken an email and ask him as well. Warranty should not be expected if running bigger props than recommended.