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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


I bit the bullet. Ordered the yellow 20cc profile Edge 540 from Redwing. Discount code help make that an easier decision to make. This will be the plane that rides with me everywhere so I always have something to fly. My bigger planes require the trailer. Right now I have a .40 size bird that just sits in the backseat of my truck and is the plane I use to wake up the thumbs and try new stuff. I won it at a club raffle. Poor thing has been flown to death and needs to be recovered and reconditioned. Although, I do plan to fly it again tomorrow and Sunday. :thumbup:

Very cool!! I know that you are going to enjoy it, what engine are you going to use?


I wasnt aware of any wing problems but never kept up with anything on the ultimate 50cc. I had a pitts python and loved it. Had a DA 50 in it and it struggled to pull out of a hover so i put in a da60 and it flew much better

Nice! I kinda like the PAU Pitts Bulldog as far as the 50cc goes..... How was the set up time at the field on the 50cc Bulldog?


3DRCF Moderator
Very cool!! I know that you are going to enjoy it, what engine are you going to use?

I went with the DLE 20. Since there is no cowl to deal with, it didn't make much sense to worry about a compact motor (VVRC 21) or a rear exhaust ( DLE 20ra)