I went to the flying field yesterday, but I didn't take anything to fly. I had a bad week last week and I never had the time to replace the servos in my Extra 260. When I was at the LHS a week ago Friday I bought new extensions. I didn't have the instruction manual for the plane so I went on line while I was there to find out how long the extensions needed to be. The manual says you need two 12" extensions, and two 18" extensions. I knew that was wrong because there are three servo's in the tail. . . . . .

. Anyway, I bought an extra 18" extension. After lunch on Saturday, I removed the three servos in the tail of the Extra and proceeded to install the two elevator servos. They both went in easy peasy, but when I hooked the servo extensions up to the receiver, they were barely long enough. It was at that point I realized I was in trouble because the rudder servo in the Extra is about six inches further back in the fuse that the elevator servos are. . . . .

. Unfortunately, by the time I got to that point the LHS had already closed, therefore there was no flying for me yesterday. . . . .

. I will finish getting the servos in the plane this week so I will be back in business for this coming weekend. . .
