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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Test Flew the little Lanier Dominator in the wind yesterday after the rest gave up. Really did not get a chance to do much on the trimming due to the wind, but the little dominator converted from glow to electric did fine. After the test flight we checked the fuse and how hot the esc. and battery were and decided to put air scoops in the sides of the fuse today. One more done for a friend
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70cc twin V2
After putting air scoops in the little V tail. I helped my Grandson build a Killer Wale CO2 racer, as a project for the Boys club. He also likes to help with all the planes too. So we did not get a chance to go flying. Had more fun building the CO2 car
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first flights of the season for me yesterday. Had a little scare in my final flight. Left aileron servo busted some teeth. Made some descending rolls until I got it figured out. flew a couple circuits to learn to fly again with a way out of trim plane, and landed. glad it was my ez sport trainer. Lives to fly another day.

Wondering why people always want to maiden new models on their first flying session of the season. I need two hands and a foot to count all the damaged and destroyed models I either saw or heard about. Set up issues, cg issues, but mostly dumb ole rusty thumbs.