70cc twin V2
There does seem to be a trend in that direction @stangflyer !!! 

Yes sir... that is very true. Also odd, I was just talking with a friend this evening from the previous field I use to fly at. Nothing really ever changes. Ya got your crashers, bashers and your stick bangers. I think I like being an elite part of the later. LOLThere does seem to be a trend in that direction @stangflyer !!!![]()
The one advantage for me is that nobody flies with me! The CJs will have 4 or 5 planes up in the air at a time. As soon as I start mine, they all land. I don't think it's because of my awesome skills, I think it is because they are amazed that a plane will fly inverted, or spin so fast it's a blur, or hover. The grand finale is always landing on the actual runway, not ripping out the landing gear or breaking a prop, and taxiing all the way back to the pits!![]()
How'd you know he was a rekitter? Good thing is this gent is only around for a couple flights, if he doesn't crash, which happens OFTEN sadly, and then away he goes (COOL). I've listened to his whaaa whaaa whaaaa the last few times he's come out. I'm gonna try to avoid him, if he approaches me again with a wise azz comment, I will calmly address him, with take your crashing, pit buzzin and Foff. He not a bad guy, just grumpy I guess, but not gonna deal with fun police/buzz killer NO more. I'm gonna go climb back in bed get out the other side, see if I can lose this BAD attitude, before I get slapped.Isn't it really odd that "those" making the most noise about the way we fly aerobatic planes or that, "oh, we're dangerous" are precisely the ones that are constantly permanently dirt napping their planes?
You're a ROCK STAR in my book!Guess I never gonna be a ROCK STAR.