@ChickenBalls @emtp275 Man I am jealous! Between work, home repairs/maintenance and family (family thing is ok though

) I have not been able to fly any. Hoping Saturday to get some time to tune up a little for Nall! I think I know your pattern guy. Same guy who was insisting that only one of the officers should have access to our web site password so we can get in the same situation we are in today.

You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!
Yes sir that be the one, you know the one, that does absolutely nothing other than pay his $50 dues, no mowing, no work days, even had the balls to ask one of the volunteers if he could mow on a day when he wasn't going to fly, because they were mowing when he arrived. You know how that went over, I explained to him only thing he should say to the mowers was THANK YOU, with out you guys, my dues would be $350-$400 a year. I would have gotten off mower, handed him the keys, and said mow at your convenience, just make sure it's done each week. Things that make ya wanna poke someone in the EYE

HE was on a roll yesterday, as I was cleaning up for lunch, he went out/stand behind and watch TOny fly, and I hung around waiting to see if he said anything to him, because I knew what would have happened, and I didn't want to MISS it

He just shook his head and walked away. I'm not sure exactly what's up with him, may be as
@stangflyer said he needs some Midol. I'm just gonna go back to my timeout corner, where
@mulehead1969 banished me, and wait with my bad/sorry attitude

He'll have a stroke if he comes out Sat. with P-huck there, hehehe bwahhhhhhh