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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


"Cool Guy"
Well......My 25% Peak Models edge became "one" with the dirt today:dancing-poop:. Really did not like it and now that its a few inches less in length...... (ok.. a lot of inches less in length) I still don't like it. Should have gone through with the future brother in law sale:face-palm:.
Kelly is this the one you clipped the wings on?


I like 'em "BIG"!
My son @Shayne Epley and I got out to burn a little gas this morning before the thunderstorms moved in on us again. The big Sukhoi is so much fun lately. It's almost hard to believe it flies so well for it's size. Course that bad to the bone PAU Edge of my sons is no slouch either. We decided to make a "smoke 'em if ya got 'em" video. Yeah, we almost had a "SMOKIN" crater. LOL. That boy is one hell of a pilot. Video will be in the "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em" thread soon.


"Cool Guy"
What no video. Witch one.
He was playing chicken with the trees to the left of the field, WOT, and snatching it up into a wall just before hitting trees. 4 or 5 of us standing under the shed encouraging him, didn't help. It was funny and VERY entertaining. It was a CG Obsession


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