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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob,
YOU CAN BE REPLACED ! ! ! ! ! ! !. . . . . .:LOL_gif:. Oh well, time to get some beauty sleep (and no comments from the peanut gallery}. Good night all. . . :bigyawn:
Wow...that's cold man. That's it. I am taking the 260 out tomorrow and I am going to fly it and fly it and fly it. Ha! LOL...
Well.....Lets see what tomorrow brings......Rob......Keep flying like an eagle with son in company.


[QUOTE=" Oh well, time to get some beauty sleep (and no comments from the peanut gallery}. Good night all. . . :bigyawn:

OK :rolleyes:. Time to pack it in also:sleepy:.[/QUOTE]
Tomorrow is going to bring more nice flying weather and I am going flying. I would get some beauty sleep Kelly, but I don't need to be pretty. My planes like me just like I am. Hee hee.:dancing-chicken:

A couple of videos from today. @Shayne Epley is really warming to his big Edge. Yes, Edges do rule. It warms me inside to see him enjoying it so much.

Some of you may wonder why I spend a lot of time practicing Hovering. Well, it's something like this. There is this certain pool in Richland that everyone likes to tail dip in. Yeah, you all know the dunking real well. The way I see it.... I am going to "OWN" that pool next year at Huckfest. Look out @SupaTim and @Geno. :laughing:That is unless I get "K.O'd" by my plane first. :spongebob:


HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Wow...that's cold man. That's it. I am taking the 260 out tomorrow and I am going to fly it and fly it and fly it. Ha! LOL...

Hey Rob,
You are a CRUEL, CRUEL man, but I have to admit. I just had to clean a mouth full of coffee off my monitor and keyboard so I could type this. . . . :LOL_gif: I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. I hope you and Shane have a blast.
Wow...that's cold man. That's it. I am taking the 260 out tomorrow and I am going to fly it and fly it and fly it. Ha! LOL...

OK :rolleyes:. Time to pack it in also:sleepy:.
Tomorrow is going to bring more nice flying weather and I am going flying. I would get some beauty sleep Kelly, but I don't need to be pretty. My planes like me just like I am. Hee hee.:dancing-chicken:

A couple of videos from today. @Shayne Epley is really warming to his big Edge. Yes, Edges do rule. It warms me inside to see him enjoying it so much.

Some of you may wonder why I spend a lot of time practicing Hovering. Well, it's something like this. There is this certain pool in Richland that everyone likes to tail dip in. Yeah, you all know the dunking real well. The way I see it.... I am going to "OWN" that pool next year at Huckfest. Look out @SupaTim and @Geno. :laughing:That is unless I get "K.O'd" by my plane first. :spongebob:

Rob. Please pipe some blue sky our way. Think I'm going nuts!:eek: By the way you can have it delivered by the rose scent cutie.:LOL_gif:
When you hover up close I want to see you grab that tail of that purple sweetheart of yours.:epic: Just make sure she doesn't slap you.:laughing:


70cc twin V2


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Rob,

I want see a video of you trying Quique's trick. Get your plane in a hover with the tail about 5 feet off the ground, turn completely around to face the camera, then take your right hand off the transmitter. Just PLEASE don't try it with your Baby . . . . . . . ROFLMAO :spongebob:

J/K. I think Quique did it with either Yaks or maybe it was the Beast, but when I saw it, I just about fell out of my chair.:laughing:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey Rob,

I want see a video of you trying Quique's trick. Get your plane in a hover with the tail about 5 feet off the ground, turn completely around to face the camera, then take your right hand off the transmitter. Just PLEASE don't try it with your Baby . . . . . . . ROFLMAO :spongebob:

J/K. I think Quique did it with either Yaks or maybe it was the Beast, but when I saw it, I just about fell out of my chair.:laughing:
Not sure I dare be so risky. I'm a lil sceered. Lol
Another from yesterday. Did someone say grab the tail? Too much fun.



640cc Uber Pimp
This is as much flying as I got to do this weekend.


When I got to the field it was deserted, cold and too windy to fly anything I really cared about, so I decided to fly the little 130X since I drove 35 minutes to get there and I had three charged batteries.

The first two flights were uneventful, but on the third I had an awesome crash. I was flying inverted and kind of low when a big gust came and the blades smacked the runway. After it hit, somehow it was still flying, but right about the time I got it upright and heading the right direction it barely touched one the uprights of a start stand next to the runway which sent it careening into a nearby table and into the side of a plastic trashcan then to the ground. After hitting everything in sight I was sure it would be hurt, but when I went to pick it up there wasn't a scratch on it, other than the white on the top of the blades was now black. It didn't even knock off any gear teeth. I even flew the rest of the battery out.