I like 'em "BIG"!
Wow...that's cold man. That's it. I am taking the 260 out tomorrow and I am going to fly it and fly it and fly it. Ha! LOL...Hey Rob,
YOU CAN BE REPLACED ! ! ! ! ! ! !. . . . . .. Oh well, time to get some beauty sleep (and no comments from the peanut gallery}. Good night all. . .
Well.....Lets see what tomorrow brings......Rob......Keep flying like an eagle with son in company.
[QUOTE=" Oh well, time to get some beauty sleep (and no comments from the peanut gallery}. Good night all. . .![]()

Tomorrow is going to bring more nice flying weather and I am going flying. I would get some beauty sleep Kelly, but I don't need to be pretty. My planes like me just like I am. Hee hee.

A couple of videos from today. @Shayne Epley is really warming to his big Edge. Yes, Edges do rule. It warms me inside to see him enjoying it so much.
Some of you may wonder why I spend a lot of time practicing Hovering. Well, it's something like this. There is this certain pool in Richland that everyone likes to tail dip in. Yeah, you all know the dunking real well. The way I see it.... I am going to "OWN" that pool next year at Huckfest. Look out @SupaTim and @Geno.