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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


I like 'em "BIG"!
Field all to myself for a little test and tune, trying a different prop and I know this will cause a war but I had CF Falcons on every thing and over the past month I have been finding that Vess match me a little better and make things more stable down low and slow. View attachment 43115
Hmmm!! I do like my Falcons. But a good down low prop could be awesome.
There is another expletive for that word, right Donnie?:laughing:


I like 'em "BIG"!
The weather here in the Banana belt continues to be awesome. A little cooler at night, but the days offer plenty of bright warm sunshine. Oh how I do wish it was the weekend already. Work before play right? Why can't we all just get paid to play?!? Pretty sure this weekend is a guaranteed wicked Pilot Edge weekend. May even sneek in a few flights with the big Orange bird. New ignition should be here today or tomorrow. Really anxious to get it installed and give that plane a real wailing.


Field all to myself for a little test and tune, trying a different prop and I know this will cause a war but I had CF Falcons on every thing and over the past month I have been finding that Vess match me a little better and make things more stable down low and slow. View attachment 43115

I have never owned myself to one prop manufacture for this reason. Every plane is different and even where you fly is different (altitude ect.)
Run what works best I say :peace-out:

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
. . . . Work before play right? Really anxious to get it installed and give that plane a real wailing.

Hey Rob,
What is play? I'm not familiar with that term. . . . :lol2: I finally got a couple of days off last weekend for the first time in over a month, and of course it rained off and on all day Saturday and Sunday I was too bushed to do anything . . . . . :nightmare:

BTW, when did you get your new toy?


I like 'em "BIG"!
I txt that word to him, actually added a few other expletives. It's tough hating on the Punk, he only lives bout a 1/4mi from the field.
Not exactly new news Donnie. Lol. Justin seems like a purdy cool cat. Looking forward to meeting all you meat heads. :LOL_gif:
Hey Rob,
What is play? I'm not familiar with that term. . . . :lol2: I finally got a couple of days off last weekend for the first time in over a month, and of course it rained off and on all day Saturday and Sunday I was too bushed to do anything . . . . . :nightmare:

BTW, when did you get your new toy?
I totally understand worn out. Seems like I yearn for more naps the older I get. But that would mess with my flyin' time, so I don't do it.
I picked up the Yak about a week or so ago. I'm really excited to get started on it. Major hurdle crossed last night. And another decision in the process. Once I get that decided on, a Yak Restore thread I will start.:yesss:
Stay tuned.


Damn I'm hungry
Well all I can do for now is get the 104 to Foley this weekend. At least the weather has been super cooperative.

Wont be making H.O.W after all :( but I will keep flying with all you here on GSN:).


Damn I'm hungry
Going to "The Big One" fly in in Gulfport Saturday with the Mississippi Coast RC Club. Great hospitality and flying off grass. Woot! Taking the Edge and Beast. Hope they don't start fighting while I'm driving. Only 2 hours drive time so they should behave.

Get some good pics and hope to see you again soon at Foley. If you ever want to hook up at Bruce's strip it is a great place to fly and not worry about the "overly concerned". You can cut loose a bit but still be safe and not worry about a thing other than which direction your plane is heading:eek:.

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