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The I'm going out flying thread 2016

We had a slight reprieve in the thunderstorms passing through the valley yesterday, so we got out and did some flying. My son got a chance to re-maiden his new Pilot 50cc Yak. First initial flight was a bit spooky. Something went amiss with the radio system he was using and nearly drilled it in about one and half minutes into the very first flight. Fortunately we discovered a quick cure and got it down safely. Since then the radio system has been changed out back to the good ole reliable Hitec Aurora. We put three good flights on her yesterday, with not even a glitch. Heck, I even got to fly, (huck) it a bit. Brought her down for some on the deck action. What a sweet flying plane. If I were in the market for another smaller plane, I think I would seriously consider another small Yak. I think I have my son convinced that "ROUND" planes is cool. View attachment 80518

Ah but not all our trips to the field have been without incident. Baby stubbed her toe a bit yesterday. I was up doing some rolling harriers and "woosh".... something black fell off of her. And as I watched it plumet to the ground, I could only imagine the worse. I brought her around to set her down... and it was then I realized what had came off. View attachment 80519 She was missing her right main wheel. Doah...now how do I do this? Ah heck, no worries. Waved off for a go around, slowed her down....just before touch down I rocked her just slightly left to put her down on the left main wheel and the tail gear. As she slowed down, the right landing gear sat down nice and gently on the wheel pant. As she came to a stop, my heart started beating again. LOL

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Well heck, guess I have to get another wheel and wheel pant. View attachment 80514

One of the other times out, Shayne and I had the big birds up doing some goofing off. The Hangar 9 vs. the PAU Edge. We've gotten a little brave lately. One of us will pull into a hover and the other will do loops around the hovering plane. We're just Idaho spuds here. So this is like lots of fun to us. Big 40%er's being treated like 50cc planes. LOL. We did come home with some "MINOR" damage from that day of flying. We do fly close together and usually have no problems. This time however, it seems a certain 32x11 Falcon just had to play "tag" with his Edge elevator. Whoa.... LOL

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Who ever says you can't huck a big plane with a 4 cylinder 222 has never done it good like we do. View attachment 80517 It definitely was a close call.

I kinda miss my old Yak 55M from EG.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I forgot to post this last weekend, but the Multiplex guys were in San Diego and stopped by my club on Saturday before I left for Nall for a visit. It was cool having them there, good couple of guys that love everything to do with model aviation.


HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1

I woke up this morning to rain and wind so I didn't get to fly today. . . . . :cryin:. Went out to the field anyway and I sat around and BS with the other guys who showed up. I will try again tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be nicer. The only problem I may run into tomorrow is that there won't be anyone else at the field. I do not like to fly alone, unless it's with one of my little electric foamies.



I woke up this morning to rain and wind so I didn't get to fly today. . . . . :cryin:. Went out to the field anyway and I sat around and BS with the other guys who showed up. I will try again tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be nicer. The only problem I may run into tomorrow is that there won't be anyone else at the field. I do not like to fly alone, unless it's with one of my little electric foamies.

I made it out to fly today between the rain drops.