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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


640cc Uber Pimp
The first rule was all new trainee pilots had to be taught by a club instructor. They also tried to come up with something to keep pilots from flying to "advanced" an aircraft before "They" thought you were ready, because I went from a trainer to a ballistic style pattern ship called a Speeda, but that one didn't get any traction. The second rule was two people couldn't team up on a project for the clubs Builders Contest. We asked the CD before we did it and it was perfectly fine, but after we won with a really cool Super Aeromaster it was outlawed. The third one was that we got banned from the Builders Contest for being "Professionals".

Thankfully the club we're at now has way more old guys that are cool than FOGs. We're getting to where we're the "old guys" now.:LOL_gif:

You bring back memories. Was part of another club many years back. But we had a painter in club and when it came to plaiting it was magical what he could do with a spray gun. When it came to contests he would always win and he did. Then some the people that were in control of the club were not happy so for the next year all the plans had to be test flowen first. That was the poor guys undoing. When he painted the planes they were so heavy it was difficult to fly and the fellow was not a good flyer. So the end result was predicted. He smashed the plane to the delight of a few !?? h!?!!!.
So he fixed the plane In time I few it and he won again and we were both band from future contest.


640cc Uber Pimp
Brought the 71" slick out to the field. slapped it together, fueled it up, took down the runway barriers, did a preflight...... darn. one of the allen head clamshell bolts on the LH aileron Spot-On RC V1 Servo arm had sheared. Maybe a post flight checkup should have been done.... and OF course it was the only plane I brought to the field.... I ordered up some V2 arms last night. :(


640cc Uber Pimp
Well had a great day at the field yesterday. Still practicing to do 3D with my pro 260 some very small improvements still thinking to much and not just doing hopefully that will come with practice. Well the best thing that happened and old time flying buddy showed up at the field with a Karboo plane it is twin engine with a pair of 100 Evolution I belive on the big plane. After he put it all together and tanked ran up the engines he walked over to me and said would test fly it I almost died. I said are you kidding he said no. Radio in hand flew and what a joy, it flew perfectly no problems straight as an arrow and had all the powe in world. Did not try it I belive it could go straight up for ever. Coming in for a landing was not that easy but just greased in. Man was that the excitement of the day. I must say there issomething about flying a big ass scale twin that is one hell of an adrenaline rush. The only thing I did not do is put up retracts. Forgot and just to busy flying.


70cc twin V2
Took a trip up to my work office this week in Joliet, IL. Found a nice field in Tinley Park to fly at. Got in 6 good flights on the EE60 on Tuesday. Three in the morning and 3 in the evening. Getting more comfortable with this plane every time I fly it. Cant wait to get my Carden Edge in the air.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well had a great day at the field yesterday. Still practicing to do 3D with my pro 260 some very small improvements still thinking to much and not just doing hopefully that will come with practice. Well the best thing that happened and old time flying buddy showed up at the field with a Karboo plane it is twin engine with a pair of 100 Evolution I belive on the big plane. After he put it all together and tanked ran up the engines he walked over to me and said would test fly it I almost died. I said are you kidding he said no. Radio in hand flew and what a joy, it flew perfectly no problems straight as an arrow and had all the powe in world. Did not try it I belive it could go straight up for ever. Coming in for a landing was not that easy but just greased in. Man was that the excitement of the day. I must say there issomething about flying a big ass scale twin that is one hell of an adrenaline rush. The only thing I did not do is put up retracts. Forgot and just to busy flying.

Karboo?? Don't quite know what that is.


640cc Uber Pimp
I was going to take a couple helicopters to my clubs Electric Fly-In today, but the heat and humidity kept me away. So, I went the the shop and primed the wings for my scratch build project.