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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Flew my little Slick today, finally got to try out the new prop. Feels solid :cool:



I like 'em "BIG"!
Well gents, {and ladies} I finally had my fist Hitec servo failure today. Kind of bummed me out. Not because I lost my plane. Not because I have to take it out and send it in for repair or replacement, which I know already Hitec is going to cover me completely. They are just that way. Not because it caused any damage even. I was bummed cause I wasn't done flying for the day. Got in three good beating sessions on the 107" Purple Pilot Edge. I wanted to fly some more. Oh well, Me and Baby have a date tomorrow. We's gonna go to the field and plaaaaaay!!!!happy-wink-smiley-emoticon.gif
But it was a good day all the same. Got out and burned some fuel and had some fun. That is all that matters.


Damn I'm hungry
Well gents, {and ladies} I finally had my fist Hitec servo failure today. Kind of bummed me out. Not because I lost my plane. Not because I have to take it out and send it in for repair or replacement, which I know already Hitec is going to cover me completely. They are just that way. Not because it caused any damage even. I was bummed cause I wasn't done flying for the day. Got in three good beating sessions on the 107" Purple Pilot Edge. I wanted to fly some more. Oh well, Me and Baby have a date tomorrow. We's gonna go to the field and plaaaaaay!!!!View attachment 83449
But it was a good day all the same. Got out and burned some fuel and had some fun. That is all that matters.

Got the servo "Blues Bird" as well. Have grounded the 330sc. They too (Blue Bird) will fix me up. Just have to travel a bit farther across the "pond". Takes about 2 to 3 weeks and 30$ shipping. Glad my "Purple" got the new EME60 and is reliable as the first one. Think I am going to put the BLS 3114's back in the 330sc.


I like 'em "BIG"!
So...flying and playing with Baby today was amazing. Absolute one inch from the deck hovers....close enough I could've reached out and touched her. Really good rollers and even did some very low-slow high alpha knife edges pulling up into a straight up vertical to my now new thrill....knife edge loops. Then slowed her down for some gentle precision. This girl has got some kinda smooth moves that only excite me more each time those gorgeous jugs are powering out brute horsepower. Winds about 3-5 right down the racing surface. Low slow glass touch down approaches. Just plane (pune intended) relaxing. What a great way to spend a Father's day Sunday morning.

Unfortunately my son flat out spun stalled his 50cc Pilot Yak right into the ground. I just knew it was balsa dust before even going over to help him retrieve the scattered and crumpled mess. As we drew nearer, we could see it came to rest inverted. I knew it wouldn't be pretty. After all, the stalled spin was from about 100 feet with zero control. He attempted to flatten her out for the least amount of damage. Must have worked. I kid you all "NOT"! Broken gear and dislodged the left elevator from the stab. That was it. Honestly and literally. Well except for one little hole in the covering where the one wheel and spat kissed the bottom of the wing. So why am I telling you all this? After last week's incedence of my friends 40% Sach dead stick at mach 9 and crashing to the ground with a "THUD" and dust cloud to follow...only to see not even a broken wheel pant?... and the two not so good dead sticks of Baby 3/8 of a mile down range across a barbed wire fence....makes me so proud I fly Tony (Pilot brand) Tan airframes. Be a cold day in hell before I spend my money elsewhere for lesser quality airframes.


640cc Uber Pimp
So...flying and playing with Baby today was amazing. Absolute one inch from the deck hovers....close enough I could've reached out and touched her. Really good rollers and even did some very low-slow high alpha knife edges pulling up into a straight up vertical to my now new thrill....knife edge loops. Then slowed her down for some gentle precision. This girl has got some kinda smooth moves that only excite me more each time those gorgeous jugs are powering out brute horsepower. Winds about 3-5 right down the racing surface. Low slow glass touch down approaches. Just plane (pune intended) relaxing. What a great way to spend a Father's day Sunday morning.

Unfortunately my son flat out spun stalled his 50cc Pilot Yak right into the ground. I just knew it was balsa dust before even going over to help him retrieve the scattered and crumpled mess. As we drew nearer, we could see it came to rest inverted. I knew it wouldn't be pretty. After all, the stalled spin was from about 100 feet with zero control. He attempted to flatten her out for the least amount of damage. Must have worked. I kid you all "NOT"! Broken gear and dislodged the left elevator from the stab. That was it. Honestly and literally. Well except for one little hole in the covering where the one wheel and spat kissed the bottom of the wing. So why am I telling you all this? After last week's incedence of my friends 40% Sach dead stick at mach 9 and crashing to the ground with a "THUD" and dust cloud to follow...only to see not even a broken wheel pant?... and the two not so good dead sticks of Baby 3/8 of a mile down range across a barbed wire fence....makes me so proud I fly Tony (Pilot brand) Tan airframes. Be a cold day in hell before I spend my money elsewhere for lesser quality airframes.

Hope it is ok if I ask a question in this location if not let me know. This is to @stangflyer the red head expert and any body else hoe has any experience with four cylinders, have a friend with a big four cylinder engine love the sound and the power but I do not have the means to transport a plane of that size but would really like to get the 3W -112 four cylinder engine. There is very little info around on this engine does anyone know anything about this engine and how well it performs.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hope it is ok if I ask a question in this location if not let me know. This is to @stangflyer the red head expert and any body else hoe has any experience with four cylinders, have a friend with a big four cylinder engine love the sound and the power but I do not have the means to transport a plane of that size but would really like to get the 3W -112 four cylinder engine. There is very little info around on this engine does anyone know anything about this engine and how well it performs.
Wish I could help ya. I personally do not know of anyone with the 112 {4}. I can only assume at this point that it would be like any other "dub" motor I have seen or flown. Amazing power and unbelievable dependability.


640cc Uber Pimp
I spent several hours at the field this morning. It was warm and humid, but not too bad. I flew my 30% Pilot Edge. I think I'm finally making some progress with my rolling harriers. I still have a long way to go to feel like I'm any good at them, but progress is good!

My flying buddy Tony offered me the use of his Composite ARF 3 Meter Sukhoi SU31 with a DA200 for our clubs Big Bird event next month. I think the heat and sun must have cooked his brain.:confused: He has to work that day, so he wants me to take it.

It is tempting, but if I hurt it I think I'd want to commit Hari-Kari.



Went to a new field today on a private farm. Owner has a full scale runway so we are already setup. Just wants us to mow the runway when we come out. Here is my brother on the mower. Coolest mower i have ever ran. I bet its mowing 15 to 20 feet. Doesnt take long to mow the runway.

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