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The I'm going out flying thread 2016

Wasnt a good nite, but also not a bad nite.....

Switched up oil ratios, and figured I would need to retune. L was ok, H was ok after I tweeked it. But I had to poke a hole in my freshly pained cowl. Oh well, better me than someone else doing it for me. Fly around, coming down for a low pass into a 3D snap for some harrier rolls. Noticed some covering had blown apart on the bottom side of the fuse. Ok, no big deal, just keep it low and slow, so I dont have to recover the entire bottom of the airframe. So, I harriered around in some fig 8s and pulled out. CG felt a bit more TH than I remember... but, ok, I'll go with it. Set up for final, and throttle wouldnt idle down where I needed it to be. So, a slip and killed the engine.

Hatch has a broken mounting tab, big deal. Pulled the hatch, and something doesnt look right inside. I had 2 packs in there to start with, now I have 1. Must be where that hole in the fuse covering come from. Ok, no big deal. I have a spare pack. Look back in the fuse, and there is the missing pack! A little surgery and removal of a cross stringer, I got my pack back.

So, 2 patches and a stop for my packs, and I can huck the f* ck out of my D300 again. Then, I got to put a spinner on this thing. Airplanes look ridicules without spinners and wheel pants.


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70cc twin V2
I went out this morning. Wasn't very nice 10-15 crosswind from the north. I flew the QQ 300 3 times but it was a lot of work. I'm not confident enough to risk a built-up airframe in those conditions. Man that wind would push the light foam plane over my head in a heartbeat! I had fun though.