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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Hi fellas, long-time, no see... I typed in 3drcforums.com into my browser and am totally disoriented! What a brand change! I'm lost... is this the hang out with the fellas thread now? Just checking in... life has been busy and not much flying. My new mistress is mountain biking and I'm also spending a lot of my free time thinking about motorcycles. RC planes was a 7 year itch but it has largely subsided for me... since life has gotten so much more busy I just don't find time for it like I used to. Anyhow... howdy all :)


Hi fellas, long-time, no see... I typed in 3drcforums.com into my browser and am totally disoriented! What a brand change! I'm lost... is this the hang out with the fellas thread now? Just checking in... life has been busy and not much flying. My new mistress is mountain biking and I'm also spending a lot of my free time thinking about motorcycles. RC planes was a 7 year itch but it has largely subsided for me... since life has gotten so much more busy I just don't find time for it like I used to. Anyhow... howdy all :)

Yes the two sites merged.


I like 'em "BIG"!
6 a.m. here in the spud state and I am loading up and heading out. I am taking the Edge out today and plan to give it a work out it has not seen for awhile. We're supposed to get a storm later today so I am going to...beat it. Both figuratively and literally. LOL... Have fun everyone. And stay safe. :banana-dance::banana-dance::banana-dance::banana-dance::banana-dance:


70cc twin V2
Weather is great here in Southern Indiana. Heading over to Kentucky for a fly in. Sadly I'm still waiting on some connectors and batteries for the Carden. So it will be a profile and foamy day. Hope everyone has a great day flying. :banana-dance: