I heard the "sheeeeit". I can see from the mojo vid how much the Aura will help. Tic Toc KE will be solid and the plane wont have the tendency to roll out of it! I have been updating your Aura. It will be in the mail by Wednesday!
Yeah 50oz is a bit much to hand crank. The only pumps I have any experience with are Jersey Modeler and the Miracle pump. So far my Miracle pump has been awesome, but I think the Jersey Modeler pumps faster.View attachment 84272 View attachment 84272
Well I did it this morning been trying since spring to maiden this plane. It just seemed that is was never going to happen went to the field twice before with some minor problems but if it is not perfect I will not fly and I hate working on a plane at the field. Well everything went as planned and it flew for the first time what a relief and what an adrenaline rush. This is the biggest I have flown to date. I need to stiffen up the tail wheel springs and lean out the motor and go again. Also filling a 50 oz tank with a hand pump is a bit much, 200 rotation. Need an electric one any suggestions. But after all that is said and done it was a great flite and cannot wait for the next time.
@pawnshopmike and @Decal Dennis, if you didn't know it already Midwest Air Wing is having it's big Bird event this Saturday. Ryan's dad is the contest director.
I unfortunately cant be there until the afternoon because a Dodge Viper I'm working on is being a total pain in the posterior and as of right now I'll have to work at least part of Saturday.![]()
Unfortunately, Dennis and I are both busy Saturday too.But if my other planes fall through, I'll be there!
View attachment 84272 View attachment 84272
Well I did it this morning been trying since spring to maiden this plane. It just seemed that is was never going to happen went to the field twice before with some minor problems but if it is not perfect I will not fly and I hate working on a plane at the field. Well everything went as planned and it flew for the first time what a relief and what an adrenaline rush. This is the biggest I have flown to date. I need to stiffen up the tail wheel springs and lean out the motor and go again. Also filling a 50 oz tank with a hand pump is a bit much, 200 rotation. Need an electric one any suggestions. But after all that is said and done it was a great flite and cannot wait for the next time.
Yeah 50oz is a bit much to hand crank. The only pumps I have any experience with are Jersey Modeler and the Miracle pump. So far my Miracle pump has been awesome, but I think the Jersey Modeler pumps faster.