GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Glad I finally got 2 solid flights in on the Extra without something keeping me from flying it 
Saturday I had a small window to try and get a flight on this thing to see if all my problems were solved so I strolled by my old club that is closer to where I live and was promptly informed by the club Secretary that, due to the club Presidents orders, that I was not allowed to fly at that club anymore

I have no clue what the ordeal there is but now I understand why the club membership is 1/2 this year than last year. It's a shame, it's such a nice facility ruined by politics
Sunday rolled around and I was able to sneak out before my mother was up to get 2 flights in at my usual club. Such a fun airplane

Saturday I had a small window to try and get a flight on this thing to see if all my problems were solved so I strolled by my old club that is closer to where I live and was promptly informed by the club Secretary that, due to the club Presidents orders, that I was not allowed to fly at that club anymore
I have no clue what the ordeal there is but now I understand why the club membership is 1/2 this year than last year. It's a shame, it's such a nice facility ruined by politics
Sunday rolled around and I was able to sneak out before my mother was up to get 2 flights in at my usual club. Such a fun airplane