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The I'm going out flying thread 2016

Got a few good ones in with @ChickenBalls and @mulehead1969, even broke out the extra that hasn't seen much time sense I got the 91 yak, she got a good beat down to knock the dust off though.
View attachment 46490
Wish I could have made it out there with you guys today but went to the wife's work Christmas party last night, way on the other side of Sanford, so long drive home lead to late night with some little punk in my head this morning swinging a sledge hammer. :LOL_gif:

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1

Took the Kaos to the flying field today, but never took it out of the back of the Durango. It appears that your airplane will fly better if it has a receiver in it. I borrowed the receiver out of my Dalotel to temporarily use and put it back with the intent to go by the LHS and pick a receiver up some time this week for the Kaos. Well, that's where my DUMB ARSE stopped thinking . . . . . . :msn_slap:. To make matters worse, I have a new receiver in my 12Z transmitter case sitting here at the house. Only thing is, when I got my 14MZ about a month ago, I put the 12Z in the case with it and left the receiver where it was. . . . . :face-palm:. Sometimes I wonder where my brain is . . . . .:laughing:. It's all good though, I had a blast anyway with the mid 70 degree temps and no wind. Just spent the day enjoying life with a few of my friends.


70cc twin V2
49Dimes -->
Got the maiden on the QQ300 with the Aura 8 six axis gyro

I too picked up the QQ Extra.
Liked it so much I bought six more Open Stock Auras and am getting the whole fleet outfitted, from 48" electrics to 50cc stuff.
This thing is the Viagra of R/C
It makes a bad plane good, and a good plane better.

Happy Holidays to all!


Damn I'm hungry
49Dimes -->

I too picked up the QQ Extra.
Liked it so much I bought six more Open Stock Auras and am getting the whole fleet outfitted, from 48" electrics to 50cc stuff.
This thing is the Viagra of R/C
It makes a bad plane good, and a good plane better.

Happy Holidays to all!

Yes...... there flying has been greatly enhanced.......using the Aura 8......don't take Aura 8 if experiencing pro longed periods of excitement!