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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


70cc twin V2
Good find!

60 degrees with a 7-10 cross wind makes for a great day in January.

Had something happen today I have never experienced. Taking off on my second flight the engine died. Had plenty of speed so floated it down and restarted it and engine was rough and again cut off.
Started with the switch and worked toward the ignition. Turns out a tab connecting two cells of the NMHI 4.8 2000 pack had released from the battery. A quick soldier job and perfection for the rest of the day. Feel very fortunate it died when it did.
No way to prevent it and no way to really catch it during maintenance as it is under the shrink wrap. I hope it is long odds on that ever happening again.
Soon to maiden my 40% Radiowave and thinking of not having a separate battery for the ignition. With two A 123's receiver batteries I will have plenty of power to service the ignition from them.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Sunny and 70 today :cool:



70cc twin V2
Went out yesterday with my ef 48" laser doing the release n catch thing again...Half way through my second flight it started snowing hard. Waited 30 min for the storm to pass..and got another two flights. Man it will be nice when this snow stuff is over


  • 20160117_100821.jpg
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Damn I'm hungry
Gonna Huck some gassers and chuck some jets in to the air Sunday with the Noisy Boy'z at my "secret strip":cautious:.

Expected high in the 60's and copious amounts of sun :D.

@Geno my arthritis locks me up just looking at that pic! BURRRRRRRRRRR!
Just break open that Jack and deal with it that way:cheers:. Spring will be there soon as it is already here:joy:.