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Cool The I'm going out flying thread 2017


Damn I'm hungry
Going to head out to my "private" place tomorrow with my buddy and hopefully see some Edge and Extra action :). Basically maidens for both planes (My buddies 26cc Edge) for the last time out the Extra did not behave and needed a good spanking :spongebob: and the Edge was not feeling quite charged about the situation.

If the Extra misbehaves tomorrow it's getting GROUNDED :epic:.


640cc Uber Pimp

Smoke on!!! LOL
From a few days ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Damn I'm hungry
Me and my Buddy Charlie made out late to the "private" place and you would still break sweat at 7pm from warm humid air. We had a nice window though with a calm west wind and sun at our backs.. Maiden his Edge and it did really good in the air but some poor undercarriage characteristic led to a landing like it had brakes! :eek:. Some bigger wheels and a carbon gear will solve the grass landing issue. Charlie had a good time with it but does not like the 18x6 prop (nor do I) :thumbsdown: . Hear it "slapping the air" and not taking advantage of the horse power the 26cc can deliver.

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The DL50 started easily on my extra and has great top end but still has issues all over the midrange with surging in different spots and not able to keep a smooth throttle control for post stall maneuvering. It did get in the air though for some quick shenanigans. But I just don't trust it :concern: so a new engine will be on it before it flies again :) .



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I like 'em "BIG"!
No photos today. Just a little fun in the sun with the 3w106cs Powered Pilot Edge. I put 5 flights on her today and really like the 106 but just really "lacking" with the canisters. So I will be changing them out for new MTW 75's soon. My son yanked the new DLE 120 and MTW 75 rear dumps from his Aeroworks Ultimate and replaced the BE124. Wow!!! What a difference it made to his Pilot Extra 330. That plane came to life. I thought the BE 124 did a really fine job on my last Edge. But His just isn't coming around. The DLE 120 far surpasses the 124 by a long ways. And sad as it may be, side by side with my Edge and the 106, the 106 struggled at some manuevrs to keep up with it. Talk about a beasty 120. No worries, the 75's will fix that straight away.

Still, a good day of flying today. Breeze came up quite a bit so we called it a day. Finally some moisture from the skies tonight so maybe it will cool off. Hopefully I will be able to maiden the new Behemoth Yak this coming weekend. By then, the new canisters for the Edge will arrive and I will get them installed. Hopefully get the Edge out again for some final dialing in before Huckfest. Wow...it's coming up quick.

Keep 'em flying gents. :way_to_go:


There was no flying for me last weekend due to mother nature :( Hoping to get out tonight for some practice. Have a contest coming up this weekend and they are using the Alternate sequence, no roller. Guess I should take a look at it :)


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Was an overall great weekend this weekend. Got my Edge all dial'd in as good as it's gonna get, now it'll be parked until TriCities at the end of the month :)


Also it was National Model Aviation Day on Saturday so of course my club held a fun fly event to raise money for a local charity.



640cc Uber Pimp
Well had 2 days of great weather and had the opportunity to test fly my 50cc scratch built pattern plane and it whet great everything and I am happy with the plane now.
Will spend the next couple of weeks trimming and getting used to it.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Well had 2 days of great weather and had the opportunity to test fly my 50cc scratch built pattern plane and it whet great everything and I am happy with the plane now.
Will spend the next couple of weeks trimming and getting used to it.