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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


So I have a question for all you guys with twins. I need to baffle my VVRC 40cc twin once I get it installed in a 3DHS 75" Extra. It has a one piece cowl and was wondering how to go about trying to baffle it being only a one piece? Pics would be very helpful.

https://www.giantscalenews.com/threads/vvrc-40cc-twin.143/page-10 see post #92 for pics of the first generation baffling. Didn't cool as well as I had liked when you slow down. So then I did this below.

Combination of depron and creative foam in the cowl. I don't remember the exact numbers it decreased in temps but I think it was around 30 degrees (compared to the first generation) and kept the temps below 300 degrees even on 90+ days... Also attached is a pdf of the template if interested. The different widths are to account for the angle of the engine on the firewall. The lines are included for scaling. Should be able to print without scaling (no fit) and end up correct.

Edit: pdf won't open for some reason. PM me your email and I will send it to you if you want it.

4BD48453-F9F4-4C72-9CCB-F36C572D2081.JPG 6B71A540-66AF-4B52-83E5-FE0A77A1DD4C.JPG 25FDD1C3-9A0D-4513-978B-98C3A6A2CF33.JPG A103BD4C-A1A6-447E-9A4B-E0EE320B24C0.JPG A729D1B6-AB2B-409A-8E45-C5F053898D49.JPG AB198C9C-556D-47C5-9CA4-F79974252648.JPG B1BC0AA0-BE92-4D74-B72F-27AF479DCE2C.JPG B127B188-240F-43F5-97D4-D1A47E4D5EAE.JPG CDBF9080-0AD0-4C63-AB59-F9C926256559.JPG D39CC42C-289E-4F7C-B786-2F80758EEC16.JPG DCFF6485-11ED-4A7E-BC6E-F983384142BB.JPG DCFF6485-11ED-4A7E-BC6E-F983384142BB.JPG DFB47874-F9C8-4FF0-9491-055826247F70.JPG F0A5DA02-A80C-4F46-BD38-6F8CCC0B3067.JPG FC249399-E227-4E8C-AA68-A7B037B0AD8C.JPG FD295D12-019F-4662-B8E2-EB3082519DE1.JPG


  • VVRC 40 and EF78 Extra baffle.pdf
    6.3 KB · Views: 367


70cc twin V2
I got a new radio a couple weeks ago and have been wanting to get my planes setup on it. But it's been 150,000 degrees outside and the lake is full! So I've spent the last two weeks getting the boat ready to go. Oil and filter, impeller, fuel filter, air in the trailer tires, drained what gas I had room for in my gas cans, she hasn't run in a couple years. Crossing my fingers she runs good this weekend with some fuel injector cleaner and some fresh gas! She's on the battery charger tonight..


I like 'em "BIG"!
Oh my! Look what showed up today to my front door! I figured since the Behemoth Yak is now sporting a 3w quad, it would be only fitting to give her a brand new cowl to house that beasty motor in.
Not only did they send me a new cowl, they also included some extra goodies, no charge. The cooling vent cowl ring...sweetness.
Oh and a new set of canister mounts for my new 107" Edge. (Going to put cans on it) Let's see the "BLING".
20170629_132232.jpg 20170629_132243.jpg

I have to say...as I have so many times before. Tony and his team at Pilot RC are about the finest and most top shelf people I have ever dealt with in this hobby. Not only was my cowl a mere $128.00. (and that is with shipping from China) Pretty darned good if you ask me. But to add to that, the canister mounts..."FREE", and the cowl cooling vent..."FREE". Sure, I could have bought all my planes from a number of other sources. But where would I be considering the amazing service that Pilot RC offers? Not in near as good company I think. Thank you Tony, Dolly and Alisa of Pilot. You all are amazing.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well picked up my paint from Westpaint in the states from my daughter. Now planing on how to do it, made many designs and I think I like this one as seen in the picture. What do you guys think. I am nervous to start if I need more paint I am screwed because I will have to make an 18 hour drive to get some more.