Good days in the shop don't necessarily mean a good day at the field

. Me and my buddy went to fly his Edge and my Extra yesterday evening and boy what a futile endeavor

. Nothing was crashed

but nothing made it off the ground

. Think I will get

and stare at my dog in my shop today

Nothing all that bad really but the heat and humidity made even the simple most arduous. Both planes could have got in the air but we did not let the heat / humidity fry and suffocate our brains enough to do something stupid like fly a plane with a known issue!
One of the two Lipo packs on the Edge would not charge to full capacity (New pack but I did not check it or charge it before tuning the engine

) and got down to 5% so I think it is DONE. My BAD. The Extra's DL50 ran awesome in the driveway but went to fly it and the same issue popped up on the ground as it did in the air when I maiden a month ago. Engine leans excessively at 20/25% throttle and loses power but almost picks back up immediately at about 30/40% throttle. It actually died when I was taxing around checking prior to roll out for lift off. Sounds like an air leak but I suspect the check valve just before the HS jet nozzle to be faulty or something keeping it from properly seating at all throttle positions. There was a whole bunch of metal shavings, dirt particles and crud when I dismantled it. I may have damaged the check valve my self when I shot carb cleaner in to the HS jet but I doubt it because the problem in performance was pre-existing. Going to put a new carb on it but man I just need to throw down and get a DA50 and be DONE. Getting tired of not being able to post in that other thread ya know
