Damn I'm hungry
That must be Superior German Engineering 3w power for it to rrrriiiip... those horns out like that. View attachment 103436
Pretty cool lil plane bro. I likey.
Nope. No Super German.......Just typical China

Did some super Kelly engineering on the rudder horn (Installing a new one would destroy to much foam). Going to have Flex send me some new Aileron horns ( they remove fairly easy) under warranty. All this head ache because of poor quality hardware on the control rods

I am sooooooo lucky this plane is still in one piece. Did not catch the Aileron horn until after I flew two packs on it and yes I was banging the sticks hard! in the HE3D and LS3D modes. This plane does have decent servos in it! MG digitals About 90ozin @.11transit. And the power system is awesome for an electric!