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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


640cc Uber Pimp
I worked on the workshop. Thursday after spending an day in it doing covering I came to the realization it is warm, borderline hot in the ends. The a/c shoots across the middle but does not circulate the air to the corners. I tried pedestal fans but they did not move the air around enough, what I originally wanted to do required crawling underneath and I just did not feel like doing that. So I went and bought two, low noise at 1.0 sones, 140 cfm bath vent fans. I stuck them in the wall, one on each end of the shop, and so far they are keeping the entire space very even and much to my surprise they are extremely quite. Now I know 140 cfm's is not that much in and of itself but I did not want the air movement to be disturbing. These are about the same flow rate as an a/c register, by feel that is. And being as the front half is about 2352 scf these fans turn the room over about every eight minutes which in turn turns the back side over.


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640cc Uber Pimp
The other day when I picked me up a new belt sander at Harbor Freight they had this little metal framed table on sale with a broke top, powder board junk anyway. In my head all I saw was the new table saw sitting on it and for ten bucks how could I not grab it. Put it together and made a nice 1x top for it. Now when I take the table saw outside for long board cutting it has a place to sit.


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640cc Uber Pimp
(16 gallons) multiplied times the 40 bucks a gallon here for the "Gold Fuel", is equivalent to the cost of two 35cc engines. (Roughly) I truly get where you're coming from. And honestly, I really like the little O.S. Surpass 70 on my trainer. But I just can't hang with 40 bucks a gallon for glow fuel.

Exactly. okay Premium pump gas 5gal/$20 one bottle of oil/$15 = $35 bucks for FIVE gallons. There was a time I ordered a pallet of glow from cool power with a quantity and club discount, shipped ground to Seattle, and barged up to Juneau discounted with a friends account, and it was $18/gal everything included. This was close to ten years ago, before nitro methane prices went through the roof. I remember a store in Fairbanks that was selling the SAME stuff for $50/gal... total rip off. I joined the local club and they sold canned nitro for $25/gal if I remember correctly.
Fast forward to today, I very much dislike the hassle it takes for me to order glow fuel let alone by the pint from the LHS. Thus switching to gasoline was a no-brainer. I loved flying all the .40 size nitro planes - talk about fun. My favorite engines were the OS 70FS and the 55AX, always ran, always but a smile on my face. I haven't flown nitro in a few years, but those memories tug at my heart strings.
I couldn't be happier with just gasoline and electrics though. @Snoopy1 your 20cc engine will run forever on a 8oz tank.... like to the moon and back lol. pretty awesome they just sip fuel in comparison to a nitro bird. That was one thing I could never get over. My 35cc planes eat about 1oz/min... seems much less for a 20cc!