Love to learn 3D how would you suggest I approach it. Is there a good book for dummies.
I got lucky in a way when it comes to the 3D modeling in that I transferred into the engineering department at work so I get access to a really nice software for free along with the help of our designers in using it and learning it. I still want to take a formal class on it but its not a class I need so it has to wait until I have taking all the classes that I need to complete my degree. For reference we use Autodesk Inventor. There are free options out there. Fusion 360 I think still has a free option but I believe it is limited. Google Sketchup is another option as well and there are tons of youtube videos on it.
@BalsaDust can you help me please. Below is a PDF of plane that I believe can help me with my design of the delta. Would it be possible for you to copy this PDF into AutoCAD dwg so that I can manipulate it and use to see if can make changes to my plane To make the EDF work. If can can you send the dwg file, thanks. Assembly Drawing (Nontiled).pdf
I will see what I can do tomorrow when I'm at my computer.