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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


I picked this up saturday. Going to rehinge everything so i can get some 3d throw. Thinking about recovering it also.
For some reason im not seeing the pic. Its a jtec 40% extra.


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I picked this up saturday. Going to rehinge everything so i can get some 3d throw. Thinking about recovering it also.
For some reason im not seeing the pic. Its a jtec 40% extra.
Uh Oh......Kenny is going to fly IMAC !!!!:dancing-chicken:


During practice before the contest starts AND after the official flights are over with for that day.....lots of time for huck'n :cheers:


Damn I'm hungry
Got the wood in the rudder fixed for my friend. Need some covering. Any one know the Ultracoat No's for the blue and silver EF Edge?


I can cut parts, just no time to re-create the drawings. If you have CAD files, don't be afraid to ask. Cutting parts is what we do for a living pretty much.
When you cut off CAD files, how do you handle the kerf? Does one need to offset the lines to the inside or the outside of the desired part so the finished product is correct? That process is a bit of a mind F**** for me. Any chances you could enlighten me?


I like 'em "BIG"!
Guess it's my turn to add to the "What did you do in your workshop tonight" thread. Apparently customs has mine, (as well as so many others) PAU aircraft held up, and since I made yet another motor change decision on the Sukhoi, I decided I needed to get some irons warmed up on the coals. The Bowman rings for my new DLE 111 that will be going on the PAU arrived today, so no better time than the present to get them installed. Rings on...DONE. Next I decided since I picked up the most awesome set of large ProFlow canisters, it was time to breathe a little more life into the already massively powerful 157CS. Changed out the 3W L80 front dumps for the Proflow cans on the 260. Also picked up a 3W 3D CF prop. (31.5x 8-14) Not sure if I am going to use it on the 3dub or save if for the GP EVO 176 that is going on the Sukhoi. (Yes, this is the final decision and choice for that plane) Lol.... Either way, I am sure I have plenty of large CF props on hand to please my likings.
20141218_125600.jpg 20141218_130312.jpg 20141218_144302.jpg

Tomorrow I pick up my trailer from the factory. YAY..finally done. Then home to start the 260 and see how she performs with the ProFlows.:way_to_go:


I would imagine a quick call to Extreme Flight would enlighten one to the right color and where one could obtain some.
My .02$