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Yippee! What the postman brought


@49dimes - the 12x6 is a slo fly prop. Probably fold that thing flat with the motor. I do have a 13x7 and a 13x8 (APC) if you would like to try. Let me know and I’ll send them.


Damn I'm hungry
Think I might have a 12x6 lying around. If I do, I’ll send it out to you...

@49dimes - the 12x6 is a slo fly prop. Probably fold that thing flat with the motor. I do have a 13x7 and a 13x8 (APC) if you would like to try. Let me know and I’ll send them.

Thanks Paul but not necessary. I be hitting up my buddy who has one plus some 4cell packs he wants to get rid of.
I did find a cool 2" CF spinner for it that will look great with the CF landing gear I put on it.



Prop and spinner came back! Actually arrived on Friday but I didn’t get home from work in Mexico until today.
So this thing has been from Idaho to TN to VA and back to TN!

And here is why. I pulled out the calipers to measure the bolt circle once and for all and it is 34mm.
Found a bolt circle chart on the other site and verified that a DA85, DA100, DA120, 3W100iB2 and 3W106iB2 are 29mm. However, the 3W85 Comp, 3W110iR2, and 3W120iB2 are 34mm, as is the DA150 and DA200. DA170 is 34mm, but with 6mm bolts.
So there is your prop trivia for the evening.


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Did you get any notice of shipment or anything? I have not heard nothin on mine.
Nada. Zip. Zero. Just arrived out of the blue.
I had spoken with a gentleman named Andrew when I ordered on the 6th.
After I paid online the same day, an email confirmation was sent. Then nothing until last Friday.