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Yippee! What the postman brought


640cc Uber Pimp
Received a few more thinks for the extra build. Got 12 fancy washers for the cowl to hold it together and some nice thumb screws to hold the wings in with special rubber washers. Something new from Locktite read a lot about it so thought I would try it. It is supposed to be removable and can be used several times and still work.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well I ordered something Friday and it should have been here today. It left California Friday evening and arrived in Memphis Tennessee Saturday morning, then next posted stop was Anchorage Alaska on Monday, and now it is in China. Don't know what in the world is up with FedEx but they are definitely making this one fly around the world.


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    Capture (2).PNG
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640cc Uber Pimp
Well I ordered something Friday and it should have been here today. It left California Friday evening and arrived in Memphis Tennessee Saturday morning, then next posted stop was Anchorage Alaska on Monday, and now it is in China. Don't know what in the world is up with FedEx but they are definitely making this one fly around the world.

guessing you don't live in china??? With Memphis being the FedEx hub, that's normal. Anchorage, I see that because its the Alaska hub, and last pit stop before international.... or Alaska destinations like myself.... FedEx slogan "The World On Time" sounds like it's going around the world on their dime... I mean time!


640cc Uber Pimp
I'm guessing someone at the warehouse put it on the wrong pallet, who knows, but I doubt I will get it by today. The new date is Thursday but I doubt that also, maybe one day next week.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Another kit, just something simple to cure my gluing urges while I'm on the big Cub build. Yes , I have too many kits, more than I can ever build probably. I'll leave my pattern kits to HHRC, my mustang kits to stangflyer and my biplane kits to Acerc.
