I can’t give you a real good flight report. Because of my lay-off from flying, I’m still behind the plane a little, and focusing on not getting into trouble. But I have managed most of the maneuvers in the basic pattern sequence. As with any high wing tail dragger, you need to be pretty good with the rudder to keep it straight during takeoff. During vertical maneuvers, I noticed a tendency to yaw to the left, making a stall turn to the right difficult. That’s likely a setup issue and poor piloting. I could hold right rudder on the up line, pull the throttle back and it would tend to flop over on its back. Again, most likely setup and poor piloting. Landing is fun. Without the flaps, it won’t slow down! It’ll just go right on by. Which makes a dead stick landing a walk in the park - literally.

I can’t tell you about landing with full flaps yet, but on mid flaps, it settles in nicely for either a wheels landing, or that perfect 3-pointer. Next time out, I’ll have the mix set right and I’ll let you know how that goes. Maybe I can get a flight video.