640cc Uber Pimp
Hi Nick need some help if you look at the picture you should recognize it. It is one of your air deflectors. It is sitting on my AJ Laser 115. Unfortunately it is to small. Need one that is 28% bigger. The one on the cowl is 90 mm across the opening it needs to be about 160 mm wide to fit and look correct. Can you help in any way please.

Here’s what I was able to come up with tonight. Just a tad undersized on the length by 6mm.
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XL Curved Cowling Air Dam by AKNick
This XL Curved Cowling Air Dam was designed for a forum buddies AJ Laser. The footprint is 90x154mm approx. This should prevent ram air from entering the cowl air exit opening while providing a bit of negative pressure to help draw out stagnant air from the cowling.

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