Well Fellas,
The USPS FINALLY decided to deliver the rest of my kit. . . . . . . .

So tell me, how many of you have built one of these?
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The newspaper in the box is dated 1995, so its at least 23 years old. From what my flying buddy tells me is that this is a FANTASTIC flying plane (non 3D of course). Here are a few more pics.
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The first box I received has the fiberglass cowl, landing gear and a few other things in it. I didn't get any pictures of those.
One thing I saw when I opened the box had me rolling in the floor laughing. The top top pieces of wood were marked "elevator" and this is what they are.
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Yes gentlemen, that's a 1/4" thick slab of balsa for each elevator half. . . . . . .

. This is going to be set aside for a future project. I am going to have the plans scanned and I am going to draw them up in AutoCAD. I want to do this for two reasons. First is, I want to change the wing design to a two piece wing with a wing tube and reduce some of the wood thicknesses to save weight'. Secondly, I want to scale it up to 35% so I can cut a kit since my chances of ever finding a 35% Carden Extra 260 kit are slim & none. . . . . .

Oh yeah, the mailman also brought me a much smaller package that actually had me stumped till I opened it. It was the package of extra saw blades that I ordered when I ordered the little saw with the link
@stangflyer posted.
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These are nice blades. Can't wait to try them out. . . . .