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Yippee! What the postman brought

Rusty 73

Well I would agree that these top pilots do put more wear on the servos but when guys are having issues with not getting their plane to track properly without having to readjust the elevator servo trim each flight. Remember it was three days before TAS and the pilot after two flights decided to pull out the servo and yes it was stripped gears not allowing it to centre . Top of the line Hitec servo at top , these servos Hitec weren't standing up to IMac, yes IMac flying , not the high GeForce 3D stuff that they do .
Just saying out of DeeForce (Jr) , Futaba and MKS , savox hi tec would be last on my list :black-eye:, constant jittering at centre and drawing more current than other same servos , even if it's coreless or brushless servos . Just my personal observations from watching the best in the world fly for seven days , a guy learns a lot about excellent equipment .
Facts are facts , just saying .:agree-disagree:


640cc Uber Pimp
Just my personal observations from watching the best in the world fly for seven days , a guy learns a lot about excellent equipment .
Facts are facts , just saying .:agree-disagree:

Don't get me wrong buddy, but I believe the actual facts have a lot of variables that may not be included in your initial observations. Such as set up, geometry, resolution, voltage, load, ect.
Brand wars are not fun to follow, and most reports of failures seem to be missing crucial info.
:deadhorse: There must be more to the story/ies
So touché :grouphug: Each to his own as they say. But... MY servos are the best! :cautious: :roflmao:

Rusty 73

Don't get me wrong buddy, but I believe the actual facts have a lot of variables that may not be included in your initial observations. Such as set up, geometry, resolution, voltage, load, ect.
Brand wars are not fun to follow, and most reports of failures seem to be missing crucial info.
:deadhorse: There must be more to the story/ies
So touché :grouphug: Each to his own as they say. But... MY servos are the best! :cautious: :roflmao:

I never said MY servos are better than other brands, just pointing out whats available today and what has been common knowledge to alot of pilots in this hobby with what will last and work well. I have used MKS servos, Savox , Jr and Hitec with a few old Airtronics and everyone has been a progression forward towards stronger faster and more reliable servos . Each brand has it's day in the sun (glory days) and if they don't improve themselves in any type of competition then they will fall behind and loss market share and quite possible go out of business.
Something that Jr product faced until DeeForce purchased the company and improved on the products. Ya I have meet the owners, one nice group of Japanese men, who are directing the company forward . They said in October 2017 that they tossed out 28x TX mold and were no longer producing it .:ooh?:

All These pilots have the correct knowledge in setup and voltage draw , they were using the S-bus system with great results .If they don't they go and ask other pilots (name here ) about issues they are having with setup . There wasn't any hey if your not using brand xxx then you will never have the same results as the best pilots , which change from year to year depending on alot of variables.
Some of these pilots are highly educated and work in the field of avaition , some of them fly drones for private companys other are Aircraft engineers and well a couple are just like amazingly brilliant.

This was the first time I saw all pilots from around the world helping each other out with their problems and issues , with NO egos. There was just a scence of community all going forward in the same direction improving the hobby.

Yes there are a few of these pilots who do get sponsor's support but alot have paid their own way in this hobby and try and compete against the top pilots with moderate success and then they might get some sort of sponsorship from one the companies.
Yes brand wars :msn_slap:aren't fun , we all think our stuff is better than others and in some points:grouphug: it is, and isn't.:eek:


640cc Uber Pimp
I never said MY servos are better than other brands, just pointing out whats available today and what has been common knowledge to alot of pilots in this hobby with what will last and work well.
we all think our stuff is better than others and in some points:grouphug: it is, and isn't.:eek:

Sarcasm never comes out the way I want it to in words, sorry about that. I was joking about my servos as I'm sure you are. I very much appreciate your input and thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience.


640cc Uber Pimp
Looked at the servo and it is capable of 1000 in-oz @o.13 over 60 degrees. That is impressive. But my concern is feeding the power to it. A while back did a test with a servo that was capable of just over 600 oz-in and set up with an arm and a weighted 30 lbs and plugged it into a servo cyceler and just let it run the servo did great but after almost 10 minutes the plug melted. And the wires were pretty well shot.
I did this because I had never owned this servo before and was curious to see if it was any good.


640cc Uber Pimp
Some graphics for the AW Ultimate came today. I like the scheme enough as is I did not get much, just noting what model it is.


  • P1090297.JPG
    358.3 KB · Views: 269

Rusty 73

Looked at the servo and it is capable of 1000 in-oz @o.13 over 60 degrees. That is impressive. But my concern is feeding the power to it. A while back did a test with a servo that was capable of just over 600 oz-in and set up with an arm and a weighted 30 lbs and plugged it into a servo cyceler and just let it run the servo did great but after almost 10 minutes the plug melted. And the wires were pretty well shot.
I did this because I had never owned this servo before and was curious to see if it was any good.

Most pilots who use high output 400 plus oz are using the s-bus or distribution (CB200) block which uses 16-14 gauage wire from the batteries back to the hub or receiver. Most are using 20awg wires from the hub/receiver to help get the volts and amps to the servos without too much drop from the resistance in the wire .
The data from my Tx from each flight show a sharp spike to 3 amps for only 0.1-0.2 seconds then drops off , quick bursts nothing continuous that would melt the connect to the servo .