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  1. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    PASSED INSPECTION TODAY! I'm now done with the county and can move on to insulation and other wiring.
  2. sweetpea

    Brand New PAU........Viper-ST Announced!!!!!!!!

    Can't wait to see more video of this thing
  3. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Out with the old. In with the New
  4. sweetpea

    ZDZ USA Is Bringing ZDZ Brand Back to the US! Whoo Hoo!

    Cool, more competition means better prices, better motors!
  5. sweetpea

    Basic engine tuning.

    Good article....though I don't use RPM readings, I use the sound instead, but the process is the same otherwise.
  6. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I can't wait to start all the wiring this weekend! First up are my lights so I can see what the heck I'm doing in there! My wife is commandeering the side of my shop for her soon to be garden. I need to rent/borrow a tiller for that.
  7. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    New inspection scheduled for Friday! Insulation quote coming on Saturday!
  8. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'm just glad I have some electrical smarts....
  9. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    That is because our county code says any new structure has to have tamper resistant gfci. They don't distinguish home vs outbuildings
  10. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Well my wife was wrong. After going over her description and the crappy notes from the inspector and some internet research I was wrong. The ground bus bar needs to be grounded to the panel. Since this looks like a main panel but its really just a big sub panel you do not bond the neutral...
  11. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    All silly easy fixes. I was gonna wire this week. Now I'm down another week delay
  12. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Ughhh.... Now I passed for trench but failed electrical final. My outlet is not "child tamper" GFCI, its just a regular GFCI and when I was rewiring the box after the conduit I knocked out one of the silver tabs so there was a blank hole in the CB box and that was a no-no and finally my...
  13. sweetpea

    Simple, Great Looking Designs

    Both Ultra and Mono are good. Ultra has issues if you apply to much heat with shrinking uneven edges but it covers large openings in balsa better. Mono requires more pulling and tacking and physical stretching. I prefer the sheen of Mono and the ease of laying colors on top of each other...
  14. sweetpea

    3D Hinges for Removable Rudders?

    I didn't pin my flat ones. Klett hinges were the best but you can barely find them anymore.
  15. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    The batteries are those tiny 1 cell 550 ones for indoor flyers. I have like 10 of them in a Ziploc bag. I have no idea what box they are in and I went through a bunch of them. For all I know they are in my trailer which is impossible to go through right now. I was so looking forward to...
  16. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Thanks.. Now for the bad news. Cut my grass and was going to fly my mini p51 and I couldn't find my batteries for it. Damn I wish I had my shop! All my stuff is strewn around and still in boxes and I can't find crap and the weather is nice
  17. sweetpea

    Prop failure....... Have you had one??

    I had something happen a few years back. Either the prop let go, the prop bolts let go or the spinner bolt let go. What I do know is that the motor departed the plane through the cowl. The cowl was shredded. Part of the prop went through a wing and cut it in half upto the wingtube (tube was...
  18. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    Just watched a video on that 220v. Simple and totally understand it now. Just need to see what all my stuff is rated for.
  19. sweetpea

    3D Shop Construction

    I'll look into all that. I'm not an electrician so I'm not sure how I do 220 vs 110 off my 100amp CB box. I'll do some research. So I was thinking about the insulation. Suppose I do 1 inch of foam on walls like suggested. Then I do 1 inch on roof instead of 2 to cut costs. Then down the...