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Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide


3DRCF Moderator
LOL that would of been pretty cool to see. You know Im going to go out on a limb here and guess the sweet spot for this slick will be 2700mha to 3000 batteries, maybe and it may be a bit of a stretch 3300's.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
^That's where I would aim.

Did some more flying today. Got it just about tweaked to where I like it, though I need to adjust the right thrust. It pulls to the left a little under WOT. Straight as an arrow without power.

I did something that I have no idea what it was so I'll just call it a hooptey :eek: Basically went into a crankshaft and instead of rotating around awesomely like it normally does it just flipped a 180* and stopped suddenly and went the other direction. Almost like it had VPP, but it doesn't (I swear it doesn't!!). Now if only I could remember what I did I could master it... :popcorn: It rotated within the length of the fuselage so that's why it was so awesome!


3DRCF Moderator
Bet it harriers awesome and transitions into hoover just as awesome... BTW I happy for you man. Glad this thing is your new favorite. Wish you lived closer dude...we could have some dog fights with streamers. That would be so much fun.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Got my spinner!!!!!


Looks like I'll need to shorten my standoffs about 1/8". Also thinking about making a baffle on one side of the cowl to direct airflow directly over the motor.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
ESC is getting to the low 90's, and the motor is about 120 after some hard flying. If I can keep the temps around 100*F for the motor and under 90*F for the ESC I think she'll be fantastic, especially in the warm So Cali weather...


70cc twin V2
Another reason I love Motrofly, they never seem to heat up, even in the middle of summer, they come down barely warm.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
The Hackers can safely run up to about 150*F before damage could start to occur, so 120*F on an 80*F day with no baffling and after hard flying is totally reasonable right now. About to go out and fit some Depron baffles :cool: