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Build Log Top Flite P-40E Warhawk Gold Edition kit


70cc twin V2
OK You have convinced me into going ahead and starting this project. I set up my build table today and brought the kit over. I'm going to do a build log like yours but cant figure out how to start a thread Can you help me out here . You were asking me about a pilot for your plane here is a really nice one that i am going to use in mine. http://www.acesofiron.com/7th_scale.htm

If you go up one level to the scratch build section (which isn't accurate for this kit build) there should be a button for New Thread.


70cc twin V2
you know you have it bad when you've been up since 3am due to the newborn, showered at 5am, and think "grab the sanding block, sand paper, and ailerons and sit on the deck out side with this extra time." Sadly it didn't happen as the kiddo wasn't asleep yet.


70cc twin V2
Question: What do you do when you've gotten an hour and half worth of work in before the sun comes up because the youngest won't go back to sleep, then after the sun comes up your oldest wants to play outside before it gets too hot?

Answer: You sand balsa while the kid plays outside.

Rough sanded the ailerons this morning. Of course it wouldn't be sanding balsa ribs unless a few broke on the glue joint and have to be glued back in.


70cc twin V2
Was able to spend about an hour at the build table today. Repaired the broken aileron ribs, sanded them to shape, glued in the control horn blocks ensuring I made a left and right aileron, taped the ailerons to the wing for looks. I am skipping the LE sanding to a v for now as it'll be easier to make hinge cuts flat rather than v'ed. I then cleared off the table, put the fuse plans on the table and laid out the first fuse pieces. Pics to come later when I can resize them.

Given I had my oldest in the room playing at the same time, I was not 100% on the build. But this gives me for my building time may increase and frequency may increase as well.


70cc twin V2
Here are the pics of the roughly shaped ailerons and lay out of the first fuse pieces. The instructions are clear to state "remember you are building a left and right side" so I need to double check everything before gluing.





70cc twin V2
Got the lower fuse sides glued together, glue joint sanded, wing saddle doublers glued in, and the fuse bottom pinned on top of the plans. The wing saddle doublers help get the built in right thrust, so I've is shorter than the other, and this signifies the left and right sides. Also interestingly, the fuse is built upside down, so the fuse bottom must match the front edges on the plans to get the right thrust.

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70cc twin V2

Man is it though to get 2 plywood formers perpendicular and plywood servo tray glued together on the base when your toddler is being antsy. But I managed to do it, albeit with the help of ca kicker (which I don't like doing).


70cc twin V2
Former 2, former 2 doubler glued in. Fuse sides tacked on. Done stringers on the back of the fuse too.

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